Shonky Customer Service / Support

A lot of us have had it before, the company that can’t do anything right, or the company that just annoys you in anything they do.

Many users are simply tolerant of this, and put up with it. I base this simply on the general reactions of those who get “sick” of something. They don’t have any expression of disappointment, they do nothing, not even complain. They simply move to another provider silently, and that’s it.

I guess the company providing the service might eventually realise how much their service sucks, when they have no customers, but shouldn’t people be more encouraged to explore customer satisfaction? As a customer it’s basically an automatic entitlement with most companies, afterall, you help pay the bills and keep the staff gainfully employed. Why shouldn’t you expect some degree of good service from a company?

I don’t see many myself, not.

Netspace – Stuffed us around 3 times.
iiNet – Stuffed us around for 6 months before we decided we’d simply dump them.
Telstra – Once, and we are still waiting on that telephone call for those calls that didn’t happen.
Australia Post – Parcel went missing in action, .. it’s still missing in action.
Centrelink – Raised a debt, but was wrong (can’t trust computers to be right continuously), took them 7 months to actually clear the old debt.

Of those, we’ve made complaints to various areas on numerous occasions, and whilst not a lot might happen from an initial complaint, things eventually change for the better.

There’s no point putting up with junkyard service, if you are getting this, and even tied into contract, if you have continual problems and annoy the company enough, they’ll probably just waive the contract and tell you to bugger off, that’s a win – win situation.

Right now, the Netspace situation, we pay 79.95 for a huge 160GB+ of data transferred. That’s what I’m calling “on – par” value, for the continually long call queues, the emails from Management that were unprofessional, the whirlpool activity, the downtime..

That’s near fair compensation in my eyes. I’d probably be happier moving to Exetel or aaNet for faster speeds and better value, but, if I can suck down all I can eat 160GB+ every month, that’s good value. Fantastic value. Won’t find that on 8Mbit easily, in fact, I’m happy they extended the contract, it means I get a longer time at getting all we can eat data, via PIPE. We’ll see if we can’t suck down 200GB soon enough!

Hopefully, the phone queue for Customer Service sorts itself out, I just can’t see how it’s continuously, day after day, 40 minutes+ long. There must be a slow time and obviously, a lot of enquiries couldn’t require constant phone support..?!

I guess all is left for Netspace to say with regard to our plan and contract is: Bon appetit!

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Labor’s FTTN plan, bringing the future sooner

According to some popular media outlets, they currently claim Labor’s FTTN proposal brings the future to us today.

I disagree, not entirely, but I disagree, here’s why.

Many other countries have FTTN networks.

Technology is moving at a rapid pace also, which means that by the time they get the first node near me, technology will more likely need 100Mbps, and not a simple 10Mbps that this network might provide.

I’m still a supporter of it though, anything that means I don’t whore my dollars out to Telstra Wholesale for Internet Access at Desert speeds is gonna be good.

I’m considering putting Rudd in the chair, for one reason only, if he blows the budget, we boot him back out, bring in the next party to fix it up. Isn’t that basically how politics has been working anyway? Labor screwed everyone before, one reason not to vote for them, but being overly conservative in the approach means we fall behind, which isn’t good, so someone needs to spend the money, someone needs to bring it back in, Labor 4 years, and voted out after that for blowing the budget.

Maybe we should place bets on that.?

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Failure to Act is Negligence

Here’s an interesting thought.

If you are alerted to investigate and cease activities, either you, or someone who pays you to service them, and you don’t do anything to stop them from further activities, are you liable, for assisting the person to do those activities?

As a service provider, they generally have the responibility to provide a service to their customers. I’m talking in the context of the internet here though, and what I’m saying is that if a ISP has a customer, and that customer performs illegal acts, and the ISP has prior knowledge of the customer (or a user of the customer’s service) committing those illegal acts, should the ISP be liable?

The issue is pretty much raising two issues in my mind, one of which is the issue concerning civil issues. Copyright breach happens a lot on connections, as is demonstrated by the RIAA or MPAA both fighting like crazy, yet also being hypocritical, by stealing someone elses web software. Now, should the ISP be responsible that Joe Blow downloaded something that was copyrighted and decided they’d distribute it? Should an ISP stop this?

And of course, the other aspect, the Criminal Negligence aspect. If a customer commits criminal acts, like stealing, criminal damage, unauthorised access to a computer system, and the ISP is alerted to this, should the ISP stop that? Should the ISP stop if the customer is spamming customers, or “disturbing the peace”?

I think they should at the very least investigate, and after a preliminary investigation, make notes, and of course monitor the situation, and if the proof is in the pudding that the acts have been committed by that connection, I do think the ISP should plug it, and failing to act in what could be considered a “reasonable timeframe”, could constitute negligence.

I’m sure the RIAA or MPAA would also take that road with ISPs, should a customer be uploading copyright material, as such, I think the more harsher crime of theft, criminal damages, spam, and so forth should definitely be classed as negligence. We can’t have one standard for the evil scum over at the RIAA or MPAA, and another standard for the ISPs who provide the services. If an action CONTINUES after they are made aware of it, and haven’t taken adequate measures to ensure the actions don’t happen again, the ISP in question should immediately be seen as negligent in providing the service to the other half of the party, ie, the attacked party. They set up abuse@ email addresses for a reason, so it only makes sense they also investigate and follow up complaints made by such measures and take adequate procedures to ensure activities like that don’t CONTINUE (ie. cease and desist).

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Another not so big win for Labor (in NSW)

Labor has won the State election today in NSW.

We have yet another 4 years of Morris Iemma. Let’s see if he actually comes good on the promises. His campaign consisted mostly of “it’s been work in progress, let’s keep going”.

Morris, my key aspects that I want fixed in 4 years, or I don’t see myself voting your fat arse back in, are, Registration, espiecially for under 25’s, consider my idea whereby we don’t penalise every driver, just the stupid ones, that deserve it.

Broadband, if I can’t get anything higher then 512k out to the internet, or 10Mbit back in, cheaply, within 4 years, you aren’t facing a chance of earning my vote.

I like to reward people who take action, anyone who sits on their hand, after a win that is so close, deserves to get booted out, those who take action, well, if they don’t disappoint, I’ll help them have as many years as they like.

We don’t want 4 years of “laziness”, my thoughts are Labour was voted in by the majority because Debnam was a lazy fool, who wanted to hand IR Laws to Canberra, instead of doing the job he’d be voted in for, and actually get some WORK done.

Both parties seem lazy, but one is obviously more lazier. I think Morris, and Federal Labour have some good ideas for fixing our broadband issues, and I hope they take Registration as another issue of high importance, along with the standard 4, Hospital, Roads, Public Transport, Crime. All issues that need to be tackled, some need a bit more importance than others, Registration costs aren’t high priority for example, but it doesn’t exactly cost them much to nut out a policy for us to read through, and that, would be a start.

Let’s just start following the progress of them for 4 years.
Actually, good idea for a website, start tracking the promises they make, and see how far they make good on them after 4 years (between elections), that, would be a great benchmark of who should be voted in.

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Script Kiddie at it again

One host I am with seems to be a target of some kid that holds a personal issue against the company.

A few weeks ago, the kid researched an exploit in Kayako Support Suite, a web based support software application, and sent emails out to the customers it contained, advising them to change host, and various forms of abuse. Very bad for business.

This week, the same kid has stolen data from a computer system belonging to the company, and is abusing personal information of approximately 500 customers, sending them emails from a GMail account.

The kid is believed to be of a young age (less than 16).

I think the kid can be punished in several ways, starting with a lawsuit on their parents for damages at a business level, a abuse notice to the ISP stating that the connection is being used for criminal acts (AUP likely states NOT to), Federal Police complaint about unauthorized access to a computer system.

This kid is looking at jail time for repeated offences. He might think its funny now (actually, even looking at it from his side, it’s pretty lame and boring), but I doubt he will find it entertaining when he sits in a 2 x 2 cell reading ‘Learn Spanish in 90 days’, whilst counting down the days remaining of his 10 year sentence, as well, counting how many jobs he WONT get as a result of having a criminal record.

What a complete idiot. Someday, he might think before he steals data from a computer system.

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NSW Stupid Registration Prices

Here is something I would like addressed within the next election:

Registration costs and CTP.

In QLD, to Register a V6 Commodore, you are looking at $680.

In NSW, Under 25, Register the same V6 Commodore, you are looking at $861.

That money doesn’t get us better paved roads either, so it isn’t going to the right causes, because roads in NSW are absolutely rubbish in comparison to QLD, roads near paved with gold.

What I’d like to see happen is CTP to be standardized across the board, and none of this, you are younger, and others act like an idiot on the road, so you also have to pay more.

Heck, a better system: Ever get a fine, chuck them in high risk category 1, 2 or 3, and make them pay through the roof.
That way, it doesn’t matter of age, or how long you’ve had your license, if you get fined, your in a high risk category for a year or two, and that will no doubt make people think twice, a fine and increased registration costs due to speeding tickets and the like?
Makes sense to me. Saves me money just because there are more idiots on the road in NSW compared to QLD.

I guess we need a lot of people to start writing NSW MP’s, but I’m sure we could cause a change in the system with enough pesterings. Pester your MP for the proposed system above, other safer drivers on the road should not pay, because a select group of idiots choose to speed, and feel they do it when no one is around, or they won’t get caught. I don’t care, you are an idiot, and while you are an idiot, costs for honest drivers rise. Not fair. Should make teh idiot pay $1000 + for rego, because if they are caught up for speeding, they are obviously in a high risk category, and deserve to cop the higher insurance costs that come with it.

You see, I could be 33, and register a car, after having my license for just 1 year (or the same year) and it is that MUCH cheaper, but should we all wait til after 25 before we drive and register our own cars? You know, those of us who aren’t still sucking mummy’s tits, and are independant, and do have real expenses to pay? Should we be punished for being responsible?

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Labor broadband plan (next budget deficit starter)

Labor has a plan, to bring everyone, nationally, 12Mb/sec broadband using fibre to the node.

Not a bad idea, and at a cheap enough cost. I’m sure the extra %age that can’t get anything faster than 8Mbps for extortion prices (me) would be thankful. However, Labor just has a history, and on that history, is a deficit that took the current government a fair while to pay off. No easy task paying off millions of dollars.

Anyway, the plan that Mr. Rudd has will bring us all faster broadband, but that means putting Labor at the front of running this country, which history shows, doesn’t have a positive budget balance.

I’m curious what plans the current government have to fix the state of broadband.

You see, the current government has ran a surplus budget, YAY, the country can eventually get some tax cuts, and the surplus could be used to co-fund more infrastructure!! 🙂

Who do we all vote in? Labor? Why? Liberal ? Why? Donuts? Mmmmm Donuts.

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Raising a child, is it hard? Or is it?

Contrary to popular belief, I form the opinion so far, that raising a child isn’t exactly “hard”. It simply requires common sense.

The tasks involved aren’t somewhat difficult, for example, you change a nappy regularly, you feed the child when its hungry, you clean up after it, you take care of it, you comfort it when its tired / cranky, you set the rules and boundaries and enforce them.

What’s hard about that?

Nappy changing, it’s easy. In fact, for the smelly nappies, it’s a game. And, it’s not how fast you can change it.

Feeding the baby, easy. Prepare a bottle or food, and feed away.

Clean up after it, well, not hard. Pretty simple, just a pain to pick everything up / clean pencil off walls / remove food from surfaces.

Take care of it, if you need medical assistance, what on earth do you do? You use common sense.

Comforting when cranky, well, that’s pretty self explanatory. Show the child who’s boss, and if they scream, tell them to stick a cork in it. Not so hard? Depends on the child’s reaction I suppose, but in general, it’s not THAT hard to settle a child.

Setting rules and boundaries and enforcing them. Don’t want them resetting your local server, set that boundary and enforce it. No need to disable the reset button, they’ll get sick of the corner soon enough, espiecially waiting in the corner for 5 – 10 minutes while the server and its virtual machines come back online, they fast learn your time is very much not for wasting, and .. despite still having clear access to the reset button, doesn’t reset.

Now, noting the above, some children can be more difficult, but again, anyone who says it’s “hard”, doesn’t seem to have shared in the fun and experience that comes with raising a child. It’s EXCELLENT. Great fun.

I welcome any comment, from anyone, with proven logic, that shows the task of parenting a child are “hard”, “difficult”, and so forth, as some “old farts” might lead others to believe.

It’s not hard, it’s fun.

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HOWTO: Log a kernel panic.. It can be done!

Ever find yourself in a position with a server which you can’t watch a kernel panic on, and wonder, how the hell can I find the cause of this issue, with no access to the console, and no way of logging the kernel panic to disk?

It just so happens the situation has happened to me. And I was keen to get to the bottom of these bloody kernel panics. They are annoying.

You see, a server I have has been crashing at random intervals, with no software messages giving reason for the crashes.

After getting tired of pestering the folk who run the rack for reboots, I investigated a way of making the machine reboot by itself.

After a little bit of searching a resolution was found to make it reboot by itself:
edit the boot menu list (the list of kernels it can boot – /boot/grub/menu.lst) to include the line panic=20.

Each time a panic occurs, the server won’t sit there waiting for a reboot, it’ll simply reboot itself. Much better.

Now, we go back to the original issue, investigating the cause of the panics, when you aren’t able to look at the system, and the system panics randomly. Remote logging of panics. Fantastic idea, but how does it work? No idea. Until now.

The feature is called “netconsole”, and here is what you do.

Ping the server you want to log the panic: ping -c 1 123.456.789.012

After the ping executes, type arp -a, and find the MAC address (00:12:34:56:78:89) of the server you want logging to go to.

You need two machines in the same network (or you must have the others MAC address).

With that information at hand, we can start logging those bloody panics:
On the logging machine, ensure you have netcat installed (yum install nc). You can after install, execute:
nc -u -l -p 6969

Which starts netcat. Cat is a program for text capture / output. Netcat is the exact same, except it listens on the network.

On the crashing machine, while it is up, enter:

modprobe netconsole netconsole=@/,@/

An example of this is:
modprobe netconsole netconsole=6969@,6969@

Once configured, you’ll see some fantastic useful output on the logging machine:
<5> […network console startup…]

That means its started up. Looking in the bad machines /var/log/messages, you’ll likely also see:
crash-a-lot kernel: netconsole: local port 6969
crash-a-lot kernel: netconsole: local IP
crash-a-lot kernel: netconsole: interface eth0
crash-a-lot kernel: netconsole: remote port 6969
crash-a-lot kernel: netconsole: remote IP
crash-a-lot kernel: netconsole: remote ethernet address 00:01:02:03:04:05
crash-a-lot kernel: […network console startup…]

Obviously, crash-a-lot will be your own hostname, and the parameters will be those you choose.

You need to ensure the UDP ports involved are also forwarded and allowed in any firewall.

Their is no load issues that are noticeable.

You need to remain logged into the logging SSH server to see the output, or use screen, or output to a text file.\

To make it permanent (on every boot), add this boot parameter to the boot menu list:

Note that you don’t have modprobe or netconsole.

The configuration parameter can go at the end of the kernel parameters line, which looks like this:
kernel / panic=5 ro netconsole=6969@,6969@

And that will get you logging on the remote server. Remote server obviously must be listening to the UDP port, otherwise traffic won’t happen.

Trying this between two servers on remote networks without a MAC address didn’t work.

It’s not a lot, but its a great start to pinpointing errors without going to the data centre to find out why.

Note: Modifying system files or executing commands on this page is entirely at your own risk. The information offered is of an all care taken, but no responsibility basis. You should consult a professional if you have any doubts as to the information on offer.

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Care of Property

One point that comes to mind is the maintenance and care of property, be it a rental property, someone elses property, or your own!

My point is to show that care of peoples property is just as important as care for your own.

Would you want someone coming into your house and smashing all the fine china, and walking off?

Would you invite someone into your house carrying a sledge hammer with intent to dint the walls in your new built home?

Their are people in this world who have little care for others or their very own belongings, failing to maintain them to any reasonable standard, or keeping them in a good state.

For example, a property in the same suburb I live in has built on it a house, that appears to have been trashed by some drunken idiots. The address itself seems abandoned, but the house, holes in every wall, many of them at that, the lawns overgrown.

The owners of that property obviously have little care for the property (its not for sale, no one lives in it, its a trashed house, and its fenced off completely). The people who own it aren’t explicitly at fault for the state of the property, the people really at fault are the people who don’t respect other people’s property. The same peices of disrespectful garbage that break 7 in 10 trolleys at your local supermarket in order to gain a trolley bar for purposes of assault (what happened to their fists? Aren’t man enough to use them ? Might break a nail, I guess..).

Anyway the same people would probably scream blue murder if you damaged their own property. But feel quite right destroying the property belonging to others, or failing to look after their own.

Many of us work hard for the posessions we own, and to have them trashed or not looked after others is disappointing, and something that should be better attacked.

I would actually like for once to pull out a shopping trolley, and not have it turn left randomly, or bounce worse then a VW Beetle on NSW Roads.

They can’t be that old or mature, they are scared of using their own fists, and need a trolley bar to do that for them, so where are the parents who are supposed to be keeping them inline? Ignorant? Perhaps they should put the stolen trolley bar to good use, around the theives head!

I would like to use one on a stereo they own for example, and see what the reaction is, leaving the message with, you shouldn’t have damaged someone elses property.

This has been a pointless rant, but none the less, I’m showing a very valid point, that they’ll happily damage other peoples property, but if it happened to them, they go cry like little babies, that they are.

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Paper gone to waste. Who’s responsible? The Giants.

What businesses waste the most paper, and why? Interesting question..

Here are some on a short list:

1. Telstra. A $22.00 bill doesn’t require 5 pages.
2. OTEN (TAFE NSW). A majority of the paper they send out can actually be delivered online.
3. Any business that is yet to consider electronic archiving of files. *Those that already have it in electronic form, and still insist on printing are some of the worst!
4. Australian Government agencies. They waste a LOT of paper, sending out letters to customers in some cases, telling them information they ALREADY know.
5. Hypocritical MPs, who claim the environment is of a great issue, yet they print it a few million times and post it to everyone, wasting both, paper, an envelope, and the fuel in the posties bike to deliver the crap.

WHAT A HUGE WASTE OF RESOURCES. Paper. Printed on and wasted.

I think these targets should be looked at, and if necessary, a financial tax imposed on them for wasting paper at an alarming rate.

Surely, they can at the very least reduce their consumption of paper.

1, Telstra can simply print a 2 sided, single page summary of an account, or better yet, give discounts for online billing, and stop mailing. ISPs that MAIL bills to customers are also BAD. If you need it, print the PDF! Stop advertising now we are talking trash, on our bill it took a whole page, and : I already knew about it, I would not likely support Telstra.

2, TAFE NSW print so much material for a module that takes 10 minutes to finish. I’m not kidding. 10 minutes. I must of flicked through a 60 page or more book, skipped the start, went to the back, tore off the assignment, completed it (and I’m sure its near correct), and ignored the pages. What a sad waste of paper, ink, electricity, postage, etc.

3, Not too familiar with many of these, but I did read someone else’s blog (can’t even remember who!), and they had a entry that said the business he worked for insisted on printing EVERYTHING, and storing it in walls of filing cabinents, despite also having a redundant backup cluster at their fingertips.. Outrageous. You can actually have 1 + 1 backups of cluster disks, if you are THAT concerned, and as a plus side, you can actually SEARCH for items as well, try that in a filing cabinent, without actually ending up stuck inside it ;).

4, Aussie Government agencies, they love to waste paper. It’s great. The ATO send me Activity Statements on an ABN I’ve not used in AT LEAST 2 years, and told them this, but they insisted I fill in a sheet of paper telling them exactly that, and fax it to them! Another example is Centrelink, who seem to like sending updates on how much they are paying your family, despite already knowing this several weeks before hand, thanks to their steps towards Online Services! They are half way there, they just gotta stop wasting postage on sending out useless letters.

5, Hypocritical MPs, the ones who say they care for the environment we live in. Or more to it, those Greenies, who hug trees, they like to also put posters up. The MPs mail everyone, trying to win votes in an election, BUT, one point mentioned was caring for the environment.. Well, have some care, save paper, ink, money, fuel and don’t mail us about it.

How many people have thrown those mail outs directly into the bin? Do we really want to know?..

Our local MP seemed to mention a few issues in his mailout. He did however completely ignore Broadband services. Why must we still be stuck on 1.5Mbps services? What are YOU going to do about it, IF I vote your paper wasting ass in ??

Environmental issues aren’t the real importance here, its the complete waste of paper anyway, even if it was non harmful for the environment, its still a waste of resources that could be better used. Telstra for example, could of used one of the many millions of pages others will throw out to instead write a letter to the ACCC asking for ADSL2+ exemptions..

Oh, sorry, Telstra don’t think, about their shareholders financials either.

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The Almighty Whirlpool Hard at Work

I wrote recently of a issue about Netspace, where we were shaped since the 10th of March, incorrectly, due to a system stuff up.

Since that time, I’ve continued to be on Netspace’s rear, trying to get a resolution to my problem, and had very little success. So little that I infact also made a TIO complaint about the lack of customer service.

After still getting nowhere, I took matters a step further, I took it to where it counts. I created a Whirlpool thread.

Viola! As was the case when I moved, creating a Whirlpool thread got them working and bowing down before me, ready to meet my every need. Amazing, isn’t it? You can sit on the phone, day in, day out, and get nowhere. Make a TIO complaint, nothing happens.

Post on Whirlpool, and within hours, the issue is resolved. Whirlpool is a powerful tool.

Also, for those that might be interested, some statistics on Netspace:
Employees in Netspace’s Customer Service area work a full shift, starting at 8.30AM, and working through to 7.00PM, I take it a few casuals start the shift, and the majority of the full time staff are in from 11.00AM for the long haul through to 7.00PM.

They employ around 16 staff to man the customer service lines. Those customer service lines almost always have a 40 minute wait time attached, no matter what day, or what time you call.

The average staff member doesn’t have time for a toilet break, considering the call volumes (and the lengths of calls).

It’s obvious Netspace’s systems aren’t designed in a way to get the job done instantly, requiring a few talks back and forth between other staff members (seniors), in order to get a single issue resolved.

I think Netspace need some reform, by reform, I mean they need to train and allow staff access to systems like quota, for example, which might have seen my issue sorted a lot sooner, compared to the untouched state it was in from the 10th of March through to Friday, where it was finally solved, nearly 1 full week later by the same staff member who stuffed up the relocation of our connection in the first place. I suppose he finally made things right, despite weeks of ongoing issues.

On that note also, I took it upon myself to get my name added to the account, so if there is a problem in future, they can’t handball the issue, and I get to tear whoever is at fault to peices until they learn that they get the job done right, or they don’t go home. Honestly, I don’t think staff should be pushed to limits, I think a casual environment is better in comparison to a heavy workload, but if staff aren’t doing the full jobs asked of them (hey, the calls aren’t going anywhere, leave them, yesterday’s work comes first), they need to certainly be re-evaluated.

Netspace have a great reliable network, by no means is there any issues with them providing internet access. They do it well, that’s a very good credit to them, however, if you get them to do something outside of finding a item of information, they aren’t very useful, and are prone to stuff up.

Best bet? Give clear, concise directions, anything they tell you can’t really be taken as solid, unless the actual actions being committed are those intended, and if they stuff up, don’t go to the TIO first. Don’t contact “Management (or mis-Management)”, instead, post on Whirlpool, if your issue remains unresolved, and you feel you have a genuine complaint 24 hours after, go to the TIO.

Don’t drop your complaint until the issue is resolved. A resolved issue is one that has ALL aspects of the issue finalised, you want a credit, you wait til you can see that credit taking shape (or its cash), before you do anything with the TIO.
The only reason that is, is because they can say something, and go back on that 5 minutes later after you’ve withdrawn the complaint. Stand your ground, the TIO costs them money for not ensuring you didn’t go there in the first place.
If they got money to blow, go for it. Level 3 complaints cost them near $100. That’s just on the complaint, if your complaint is of a financial nature, they’ll eventually need to pay that too.
The resolution should be satisfactory, if it isn’t, the TIO should either agree or disagree with you and persue further.

My matter still isn’t resolved completely, they still owe us a credit for the downtime, however, the fix has certainly been welcome, given I have had pretty much an idle week, unable to do much, Netspace stole a great deal of my time following the issue up, that wasn’t progressing anyway. Laziness and Ignorance shouldn’t be tolerated. I don’t care if they are busy, my issue was 6 days old and shoved to the side after being raised several times.

Whirlpool, powering Internet Providers (well, at least the Customer Service aspect anyway).

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Stone Age Online Systems

Since my move in early February, Netspace have gone from good, to… hopeless.

I created a thread about the problems with moving, here:

What happened at that point was Netspace incorrectly provisioned my service as a 512/512 service, instead of the original (and requested) 1500/256 service.

It took them approximately 3 weeks to solve that, but it did get solved.

However, we now have had a new issue ongoing for the last 6 days, and that is the complete lack of customer service staff to fix an issue related to the move.

We pay for a 20GB + 20GB connection. We are currently shaped, after only using 10GB + 10GB of our quota. You see, the staff didn’t fix up all the issues after the last issue.

I called Support staff on Saturday, when the original problem happened, and the resolution proposed at that point was that it would be fixed in “a few hours”. That was all well and good, however in a few hours, no result, no contact from Netspace staff.

I called them later that afternoon, and was informed from Netspace staff that they’d look into it on Tuesday, because the staff responsible for it didn’t work at that time… Well, someone COULD HAVE TOLD ME THAT HOURS AGO. When I was actually waiting for something to happen…

Anyway, that call ended with, the Netspace staff member stating: we’ll be fixing it Tuesday, and we’ll even look at compensation, well, that was great of her to mention that. Fantastic idea. Give her a raise. I now want compensation also.

Called Tuesday, staff I spoke to said they’d be looking into it later on, no ETA on restoration. What? No ETA for 10 minutes of work?

I put that call down to the staff not having a clue, and they’d fix it later that day.

Called Wednesday, spoke to Netspace staff, not fixed, no ETA on restoration. Call went nowhere.

Called 58 minutes ago, waited 53 minutes on hold, and was hung up on by the Customer Service queue (that’s after waiting 53 minutes on hold, in a queue that has estimated times STILL AT 40 MINUTES (after Management staff claim things improved).

Calling again now, on hold for so far 5 minutes of a possible 40 or more minutes.

My Time is too valued to keep stuffing around with staff that can’t do their jobs (at all?). It’s a 10 minute job at the most. Check the accounting system has the right values, check the radius server has the right values, check the usage system has the right values.. One of them is wrong, and that’s making the radius server think (and hand out) a shaped connection to us. Frustrating. Fed Up.

Made a TIO complaint yesterday also, and advised both Management and Helpdesk of the same complaint being made. Only response was back from Management, and it was far from helpful, or working towards resolving the problem at hand.

As you can see, this issue has already taken 1 hour of my time today, and hours in previous days, and reduced my connection to a state where I can’t get anything online done.

This post was made with tongue biting, resisting using the words: lazy, incompetent and a variety of non PG words in place of “staff”. To view intended post content, open Notepad, paste the post, and replace “staff” with a variety of non PG words, prefixed with “lazy, incompetent “.

— That’s posted on Whirlpool.

To extend that some more, a Manager from Netspace had called the account holder a liar.
Not only that, but Netspace also insist on us filling in stone age paper work and faxing it to them, just so I can talk (the account holder is my fiance, I’ve learnt, never stick a phone in your name when a woman is using it). I am going to pay the cost to fax them a sheet of paper with some ID of mine attached to it, and that’ll give me some leverage to attack the issues above better. They can’t simply shove me to the side and request to speak to my fiance. I instead can tear them apart until they get their acts together and start providing the advertised “World Class Customer Service”.

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Netspace Stuff Ups Continue – no resolution

I’m appauled at Netspace’s recent stuff up and the length of time its taken them to even have an “adequate” look at it.

You see, we are on a 20 + 20GB plan, and have only used 10GB + 10GB of that plan.

However, we are shaped. We aren’t supposed to be.

They were called on Saturday about the issue, and the ETA at that point was “a few hours”.
They were called again Saturday afternoon. The ETA extended to “Tuesday, when Customer Service are back at work!, Compensation would be considered also! Great, I thought, dial up speeds, but they’ll be compensated).
Followed up Tuesday, looking into it, Unknown ETA. Take your sweet time why don’t you. You know, I’m paying $2.66 for dial up here, expensive.
Followed up Today, still no resolution, looking into it. Unknown ETR.

Last Straw. They’ve had 5 days to do approximately 10 minutes work.

I’ve made a TIO complaint, might get someone at Netspace to kick a few asses into gear. Purely unacceptable from a company that proudly claims “World Class Customer Service” – where is it Netspace? Waiting..

Netspace are dropping down to “useless” as an ISP. Where iiNet are, and you are only 1 above Telstra and Bigpond in that list, who are the ultimate disgrace.

It’s not that hard Netspace. A simple change, and it’d be solved. Instead, you want to throw more money away, and also more at the TIO, go for it. Your loss. But wait, after the original issues that started this, they already have made a loss on our connection as it is. All possible profit in our connection is literally gone. And if this keeps up, they’ll be looking at a loss. I’m sick of the issues. Give me what I pay for, a stable 1.5Mb connection with 20GB of Peak, 20GB of Off Peak, Unlimited free PIPE peering data, multiple sessions, 24/7 (or near to it).

I’m normally tolerable. However, companies and people who fail to attend to issues in a timely manner, and keep the customer informed should be “s&*tlisted”, as will be the case with Netspace if they follow the same road for too long.

Wanting what I pay for.

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HOWTO: Configure a Linksys SPA-3102 ATA to a VoIP Provider on ADSL

Here’s a full guide on how to setup a Linksys SPA-3102 VoIP ATA to use a VoIP Provider for ADSL Connections, step by step.

Place the SPA-3102 in a place that’s convienient for you, generally next to your ADSL modem is ideal.

Here is how everything connects, looking at it from a view of Phone socket, down:
The phone socket connects to a double adapter.
The double adapter splits the phone line into two, one for ADSL, the other for your SPA-3102 ATA.
Plug the lead from the ADSL modem into one port of the double adapter.
Plug another lead from the other port of the double adapter into an ADSL filter.
Plug a network cable into the Internet Port of the SPA-3102 ATA into the Modem / Router.
Note, if you have a single port ADSL modem, unplug your computer, and plug it into the Ethernet port of the SPA-3102.
Plug a regular phone handset into the Phone port of the SPA-3102.

Finally, power the device on.

Now, the device needs to be configured.

Pick up your handset and dial ****.
Dial 110#, and listen for a series of numbers, write this detail down (or get yourself a notepad window).
Dial 7932#
Dial 1#
Dial 1
Place the phone back on its hook.

Plug a lead from the ADSL line filter into the Line port of the SPA-3102.Watch movie online The Transporter Refueled (2015)

Next, open your web browser. In the address bar, type http://, followed by the IP address of the SPA-3102, followed by “/advanced”. eg.

On the Router Tab, click Wan Setup, and choose DHCP from the connection types list.
On the Router Tab, click Lan Setup, and choose Bridge from the connection types list (important for those who only have a 1 port modem / router, not a bridged modem however).

In the address bar, type (using example IP address above):
You can do exactly the same by clicking the Voice Tab, choosing Admin Login, choosing Advanced.

Click the Regional Tab, and enter the following settings in Call Progress, for each of the fields:
Dial tone: 400@-19,425@-19,450@-19;10(*/0/1+2+3)
Busy Tone: 425@-19;10(.375/.375/1)
Reorder Tone: 425@-19,425@-29;60(.375/.375/1,.375/.375/2)
Ring Back Tone: 400@-19,425@-19,450@-19;*(.4/.2/1+2+3,.4/2/1+2+3)
MWI Dial Tone: 400@-19,425@-19,450@-19;2(.1/.1/1+2);10(*/0/1+2)

Scroll down some more, to find Distinctive Ring Patterns, and edit as below:
Ring1 Cadence: 60(.4/.2,.4/2)

Scroll down some more, find Miscellaneous, and edit:
FXS Port Impedence: 220+820||115nF or 220+820||120nF
DTMF Playback Length: .25
Time Zone: GMT+11:00

Click “PSTN Line” near the top of the page.

Find PSTN Disconnection Detection, and edit:
Disconnect Tone: 425@-30,425@-30;1(.375/.375/1+2)

Find International Control, and edit:
FXO Port Impedance: 220+820||120nF
PSTN to SPA Gain: 3
On-Hook Speed: 26ms (Australia)

Click the Line 1 Tab, near the top of the page.

Scroll to Proxy and Registration, and edit (your settings replaced from your provider):
Proxy: Enter Proxy Server Address
Outbound Proxy: Enter Proxy Server Address
Use Outbound Proxy: Yes (if your provider supports it)
Register: Yes
Register Expires: 1800 (30 minutes is better, ensures you are always registered to receive calls, the lower, the better).
Use DNS SRV: no (if your provider supports it, use it).
Proxy Fallback Intvl: 1800 (see Register Expires).
Use OB Proxy in Dialog: yes

.. The other settings should be fine as “No”, but if your provider supports it, “yes” is good.

Scroll to Subscriber Information, and edit:
Display Name: Your Name (this name can appear on Caller ID for SIP to SIP calling on the same network as well (in some cases)).
User ID: User ID (your user ID)
Password: passw0rd (your password)
Use Auth ID: yes (most providers support Auth ID, those that don’t should set to no).
Auth ID: User ID (its nearly always user ID).

Scroll to Audio Configuration, edit:
Preferred Codec: G729
DTMF Tx Method: AVT, if dial tone systems, such as Push 1 for X, don’t work, change to AVT+INFO.
Hook Flash Tx Method: AVT

Scroll to Dial Plan, edit:
Dial Plan, depending where you are located, and what calls you want to send anywhere, you’ll edit this to:
(*xx.|000S0@< :gw0>|< :02>[4689]xxxxxxx|0[23478]xx.|1[38]x.< :@gw0>|< **1:>xx.< :@gw0>)

This dial plan allows NSW same state dialling, dialling other states and mobiles, sends 13, 1300, 1800 numbers to your land line, and allows prefixing calls with **1 to go through PSTN line, sends 000 to the PSTN, and allows use of * feature codes.

Scroll to the end of the page, click the “Submit All Changes” button, and enjoy the ATA, which should now be perfectly operational.

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Bigpond’s Supplier is NOT Telstra Wholesale

A question on a lot of minds is, with the cost of backhaul to Tasmania being so expensive (up to 30 times more expensive, compared to backhaul from Melbourne to Brisbane, Adelaide or Perth), how is Bigpond offering plans that are much below the cost other ISPs would have to pay?

Interesting question, fair question.

The logical answer is: They don’t have the same costs that Bigpond do. Naturally, that would have to be the case, in order for other ISPs to have a minimum cost that exceeds Bigpond’s retail price by more then 20%.

It makes sense. Every business, including Bigpond exist to make a profit. No profit, no point for most businesses.

It’s widely known that:
A 1500k port from Telstra Wholesale costs $34.00(ex. GST and ex. AGVC).
Backhaul apparently costs 30 times more to Tasmania.
Telstra’s Retail entities are required to do business via Telstra Wholesale, which includes Bigpond.

Internode ISP Staff have stated on Whirlpool the cost per customer of backhaul is anywhere from $80 – $300 per customer, more expensive than the mainland customers.

So, how are Bigpond providing mainland plans, that apparently cost $80.00 more than Mainland customers?
Thinking about this logically, and for a specific group, let’s just place some figures at hand to work with, and picture it.

10000 Tas customers.
10000 ACT customers.

Two plans, just for the case of logic, we’ll use both, Bigpond’s 1500k Liberty Plan, and Internode’s HOME-1500-Power10.

Both plans include roughly the same amount of data, Bigpond 12GB, Internode 10GB.
Prices as at now, are:
Bigpond Liberty: $79.95
Internode Home-1500-Power10: $49.95.

So, with those figures in mind, we can start working out what sort of costs it’ll be for Tasmania, using the inflated prices, for arguments sake, we’ll use the $80 figure for backhaul.

For Bigpond, this means they provide a Liberty service to Tasmania at $79.95 each.
For Internode, this means they provide a service to Tasmania at $129.95 each.

For Bigpond, this means they provide a Liberty service to ACT at $79.95 each.
For Internode, this means they provide a service to Tasmania at $49.95 each.

So, the total for services provided is:
Bigpond – Tasmania : $799,500
Internode – Tasmania : $499,500
Bigpond – ACT: $799,500
Internode – ACT: $499,500

To scale it some more, the port cost of the plans for each ISP is supposed to be $34.00, ex GST, ex AGVC to Telstra (must AGVC to Telstra to auth users, and so forth).
So both ISPs have minimum costs. Internode can, at a substantial profit, provide their $49.95 plan to the masses in Australia. However, doing the same plan in Tasmania isn’t viable, due to very expensive backhaul costs.

I’m chasing down a scale of costs to compare to, and discover why it’s so expensive, they have to stop providing plans to Tasmania.

Netspace have also been forced to do the same. iiNet also have ACCC disputes running.

The question that remains is, what the difference is on the scale as a percentage loss for Bigpond. If Bigpond are selling at a “loss”, then the ACCC do need to verify this to some degree (and not the “Operational Seperation” deal).

A recent episode of The Simpsons had “Fat Tony” stating (in regards to building his mansion): “You can really cut costs when you don’t pay for Labour, Land, Materials.. “. I think that’s the case with Bigpond. They don’t pay a dime to Telstra Wholesale. Getting the proof of this wouldn’t be too difficult, because there’d need to be invoices in Telstra Wholesale about Bigpond. Of much, much more interest would be the Financials of Bigpond. What costs do they really have..? We’ll find out soon enough, but here’s a ball park figure: $0.

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Effective ISP Advertising

Here’s a simple way for ISPs to increase their customer base..

Imagine advertising a cost / value comparison?

So, the advertisement would play something along the lines of:

Tired of waiting for downloads? Tired of paying too much for “fraudband” ?
We can assist.
For just $40/mth, you get a massive 4000MB of data, yes, that’s right, none of those baby “look at 5 YouTube videos” or “No, you can’t use your computer to interact” plans, and because we care for Australian Broadband so much more, compared to other competitors, we’ll also add in an additional 36000MB for nighttime usage. The speed is at 512kbps, which is double the other ISP’s base plan. Is it reliable? Don’t take our word for it, take a look at the ISP Monitoring Statistics for clear details.
How do we do it? Easy. We care for Australian Broadband, and aren’t interested in milking consumers for their homes.
Sign up today, call … Insert ISP phone number here.

Now, if that’s not a compelling argument for customers, they need to get their heads examined. It suggests this:
1. That the customer will get a just as reliable service.
2. That the customer is getting at least twice the speed of BigPuddle.
3. That the customer is valued.
4. That the customer isn’t getting a puny plan that limits the number of times they can watch YouTube or kids use multimedia aspects of the internet for study (or to learn other fascinations).

I wonder when we’ll see an advertisement like this? It only makes sense to promote a change in the industry pricing schemes, and further encourage uptake of services.

Of course, you don’t want to get overloaded, but the contention ratios with most ISPs is at the very least 10 to 1. So, they could safely chuck 10 customers on, and expand the network for the equivilent of 1 customer.

What flaws are with the advertisement outlined about?

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Netspace Issues Again. They haven’t disappeared yet

I moved a little while ago, sticking with “reliable”, “World Class Customer Service” ISP, Netspace Online Systems. The name says it all, your System, Online. They do live up to that. Fantastically.

The issue they don’t live up to is “World Class Customer Service” (lack thereof).

When I arranged my move on the online system, it highlighted several problems in Netspace’s system. One of which is the “you can’t keep same plan when moving”. Someone in Netspace at a management level assured me very recently that it is solved. That’s great news, no one else will have to put up with the severe issues that I suffered moving in early to mid February.. Or will they?

Not choosing a plan in the system, meant that I got placed on a plan that offers 10GB peak, 10GB off peak. I pay for 20GB Peak, and 20GB off peak, so at this time, I’m shaped with 7GB+ data remaining to be used. The billing system says I’m entitled to 20/20, the usage system also agrees, it’s 20/20. The system that disagrees is the shaping system, shaping us after just 10GB used of our fantastic 20GB plan. It’s dial up speeds, at expensive prices ($2.50+ a day for dial up speeds).

I contacted them (of course!!), about this issue, and the response I got was, it’d be fixed within “a few hours”. I took that as “sweet, its only a little minor problem affecting my weekend, never mind, go watch some TV, or get some coding on OzVoIPStatus done”..

Unfortunately, I was wrong. I didn’t get a call back at all, and nothing changed in the Online “Check Your Usage” area.

I contacted Netspace again, and tried to follow the call up (btw, Netspace, your hold music STILL sucks, what’s with the DTMF tones during the songs?), and the response the poor girl on the other end of the phone had to give me was, “Sorry, your connection is stuffed until Tuesday”. WTF? It’s Saturday. I’ve gotta put up with crappy dial up speeds until.. Tuesday? That’s not acceptable, it’s their stuff up, it should have been fixed when the other problem was highlighted.

I’m not wanting to be a guinea pig with my internet access, sorry. I like a stable connection, plenty of data, value, at a good price point. Netspace are that, but the issue remains that the previous major move, is still stuffed up some 6 weeks after we have moved, (and renovations likely starting on the old property).

I guess Netspace are to some extent lucky I understand the processes involved. Any average Joe would see the issues I’ve experienced and probably have told them where to shove it. I’m not saying Netspace are “evil”, want “evil”, call iiNet. They’ll give you bad experiences every month! I’m saying they are lacking, and that just gives the average Joe more reason to go to Bigpuddle for internet access, because it is without hassle (so the mind would let them believe, then the bill comes).

I’m simply saying, I don’t want to have to call Technical Support on my Saturday, I don’t want to put up with shaping when I’m not over quota. I want affordable internet access, no technical support, reliable, and fast access, supporting my network configuration.

So, the plan would be:

Technical Support: Bin it. I’m far capable then your current support crew anyway, it seems?, and for those that MIGHT need it, bill them. $15 a call if its not a line fault, or the ISP isn’t at fault.
Affordable: Cost + 10%.
Reliable: Netspace are very much reliable.
Fast: Yes, I’ve not had an issue here.
Value: Don’t worry about content, if you find it easier + cheaper to throw data at customers, just do that, otherwise, content like Radio, File mirrors (complete), and so on, or simply, faster speed plans with Free PIPE, that’d keep me happy.

Can it be done, and sustained? Probably. Go ask Exetel. They seem to be able to do it. That’s what we need, another Exetel. Just, don’t repeat everything, or take the same attitude as they (that cost them me as a customer), and no static IPs. Dynamic IPs allow for multiple PPPoE connections, and that is sweet.

Another issue to be highlighted here, is a current Whirlpool post.
This customer was charged for 2 months access, he didn’t receive.

As the legendary “Derwan” has posted (his posts are nearly always good!): They should pinpoint the problem.

Or, do as I suggest, and whip the staff that produce these problems, so that us customers can have regular, trouble free connections. You know, like prior to November 2006 or so. May 2006 onward, where it was.. FAN- TASTIC.

I’m going back to my shaped internet connection, not due to my fault, but due to programmatic issues within the ranks over at Netspace. One day they’ll have it fixed again, but by then, I might chase down better value elsewhere.

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HOWTO: Set Dial Tones / DTMF Tones on the Sipura / Linksys devices

Some people seem to have this problem, they push buttons on their handset, and their ATA isn’t registering the tones, on the push button tone system (DTMF). Like Phone Banking for example, or choosing menu options.

The solution is rather simple, and only requires just a few setting changes.

Login to your devices web interface, and click the Line 1 tab (or the line in your device).

Find DTMF Tx Method.
Set this to AVT,
Find the DTMF length, set it to .25.

If this doesn’t work, you are either not using G729 as your codec, or some other issue exists.

Try also:
Set DTMF Tx Method to AVT+INFO or INFO and ensure the length is at least .25 (common Australian setting).
That should cure your tones in near 99% or more of cases. Dial tones should work, if this isn’t the deal, your handset might be sending the tones differently, or yo

The majority of issues with dialling, calling, or tones is generally related to misconfiguration of the device, and of course, with the lack of a manual in front of you, and some huge ranges of options, configuring ATAs isn’t made easy. Heck, the Ring Cadence formula on the devices has little explanation on what it actually means. A big problem for trying to get the rest of users over to voip. I guess that’s the real deal behind Engin’s locked Voice boxes, no upsets with configuring them. Plug, and.. play.

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Script Kiddies and Development Bugs

Servers Australia was a victim of a 10 year old script kiddie (or the equivilent in brain dead individuals).

The script kiddie spammed the client base of Servers Australia through a bug in the Kayako Support System, sending messages that would lead unsuspecting customers to believe the sender of the messages was Servers Australia themselves.

The attacks are believed to have originated from the same idiot who exploited MSN to contact users on Jared of Servers Australia’s MSN list.

Whilst such exploits aren’t common, they are very much childish, and will eventually see the culprit paying for his actions in a severe way.

Frankly, it’s stupid, and the only reason why he seems to do it is to spam his hosting company, which likely has 0 customers, otherwise he’d be mature enough to not need to attack other web hosts.

The bug on the other hand is likely to cause damage to Servers Australia’s reputation, something I would look at persuing compensation for, from either the developer or the culprit responsible (and if he ever gets to read this, remember, you can proxy all you like, there is always a trail in those proxies, and the logs are not so difficult to obtain).

Remember: you can spam your arse around in prison a bit, while you do the time for criminal offences related to hacking a computer system, and you can afterwards start repaying the civil lawsuit for reputation damages.

Doesn’t seem worth it, unless of course, you fancy Bubba, and enjoy getting paid for taking it.. ?

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It’s about time a certain company got a reply, telling them to stop spewing rubbish.

It’s all I’m saying.

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Whirlpool Survey Results, and Bad News for Wild I&T

Today, I have yet more to say on Broadband.

The Whirlpool Survey results for the 2006 year have been finished, they are located here.

The leaders with regard to value, speed, and service seem to be Internode and iiNet.

Internode seem to be leading with Whirlpoolians, as they are basically the ISP of choice, despite the plans being a little less value when paired with ISPs like Netspace (who aren’t cheap themselves).

I’ll add this point:
Can those who complete the survey, complete it accurately, and tick the right boxes, and not bash ISPs. Even Bigpond. There’s no need to use it as a ‘bash’ tool, it’s best to see accurate results from users, reflecting the true state and feelings.

For example, in that survey, the following is inconsistent:
1. Bigpond Cable (and DSL), not allowed to run Server, You can indeed run servers on Bigpond Cable, and DSL.
2. Bigpond doesn’t simply Blame Telstra for a Telstra issue, they might, but that’s not likely.
3. On Cable connections, Phone Lines have nothing to do with it, so customers claiming “Phone Line not activated properly” are incorrect. No phone line causes an issue with your Cable provided connection.
4. Internet connections for Telstra, Optus, iiNet, Internode, Westnet, TPG, Exetel, Netspace, Adam don’t simply stop working every day, due to an ISP problem, it’s nearly likely to be user error, in fact, every few days would be likely user error too.
5. Some ISPs have NO unmetered content. Like, TPG.
… as well as other issues.

Essentially, if they are going to be taking these results ever so seriously (they aren’t bad at the moment!!), improvement on what users should be saying needs to be done. There needs to be some sure checking that users aren’t simply blasting the ISP, or perhaps, make it for their current ISP, to ensure users are being surveyed for the right ISP that they are still with.

Sure, our attitudes towards ISPs are dynamic, and so are service levels, and as such, the survey should be participated in, with that in mind.

Wild I&T, they are insolvent, and have been since mid last year, with a sum of $600k owing, at COB, End of Financial Year 2006.
The business hasn’t been able to keep afloat, and the blame lies squarely on staff pay costs going from $100k to $700k. Shocking. Revenue remained low, however, while costs grew.

It was actually known by Wild I&T, Timothy Bolot, at the time, that the business was insolvent, taking his own funds to pay the bills (he really wanted the business to stay above water?). It’s kind of sad telling others this, because the business had potential, I just think Timothy wasn’t the right man at the fore front of managing financials, and instead, he should of maintained ownership, with someone else at the helm, steering.

He wanted to grow the ISP, as is obvious by the countless hours he placed into it. Unfortunately, those hours may be going to waste, as the ISP is likely to be gobbled up by another company, Administrators receiving 9 possible offers in the recent time.

A buyout of Wild will mean that users keep connections, and thus, maintain contracts with the company, unless contract terms are changed to their detriment. I wouldn’t be moving in a hurry, 9 offers are a lot of offers for an ISP that could easily swing back round with a few layoffs, and some Exetel style managing of support / sales enquiries, and cost reductions, with some revenue growth. Administrators are expensive though, and that’ll inflate the sale price for Wild, unfortunately. It would be good to have a spare $1.5 Mill to buy them and restructure the business into a rather profitable venture, with some TLC to fix the reputation that Timothy Bolot has dumped on it (spamming Whirlpool for customers).

I doubt it’ll be another Veridas, and instead, it’ll be a reinvented Wild, and some severe restructuring. I’m amazed at Timothy for leaving it go bad for so long.

Actually, no I’m not, because I stayed away from Wild, I always thought of Timothy as immature, and I guess my theories paid off. It’s in a bad state. Some would say it’s in a “Wild” state.

On that note though, let’s see what other ISPs do to entice the Wild users given the uncertainty that this has caused. Here’s a hint users, Internode, aaNet, or Netspace (despite my bad experience). Just don’t break contract yet, because they might not be wound up, and instead, sold.

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Government with huge broadband announcement

Apparently the Federal Government is said to be announcing something ‘substantial’ about Australian Broadband Infrastructure.

My guess at the moment is it’ll be some of the Broadband Connect funds being decided on how they would be spent (or at least which method of ‘broadband connect’-ing they are favouring of those offered.

I doubt that Telstra is receiving a red cent. Recent attacks to the government are hardly a way to win the support of the government. And further, it’s Telstra’s fault we have such 3rd rate broadband at the moment anyway, since 1999, they practically sat on their hands and maintained a monopoly on limited ADSL (TDSL) and Cable services, leaving the rest of us Australian Consumers putting up with what was available, shocking fraudband. That lasted 7 Years, before they were forced to move, due to competition threats from ADSL2+ ISPs, who also, like others, are sick of the crap speeds, and excessive prices that Telstra spew out like a Saturday Morning hangover, after sleeping in the dumpster.

The plans stink, and if it weren’t for pressure from competition, they’d still sit on their hands.

Telstra don’t give a rats arse about consumers, so they shouldn’t get a dime. None at all.

Optus, on the other hand, were the first to start with a Cable network, and it was to their success, a competitor with Pay TV, Broadband (fast!), as well as Telephone Services.

Telstra saw the threat, and as quick as they could say “Fuxtel”, Telstra Cable was running, in complete duplication with Optus, and no where else.

They could of instead duplicated elsewhere, like further regional, and basically each had their own monopoly until they both collided, by that point, there would have been two HFC networks, with extensive coverage anyway.

But, that was costly for both involved, and in hindsight, Optus would have thought a bit more carefully.

Looking at the Optus / Telstra cable rollouts, from a Managing Director of an ISP perspective, you get a skewed view of what would be likely to happen if you invested in infrastructure. I’m still curious what gave Michael Malone of iiNet the balls to deploy nationwide ADSL2+, whilst readily knowing about the HFC disaster.

Maybe he is in WA, and he didn’t know about it, and it was a perfect entrance point for ADSL2+? Who knows. One thing is certain, the situation was risky at any cost, but certainly has prompted some serious change in the Broadband industry.

Oh, sorry, Include above with Michael Malone, Simon Hackett of Internode / Agile, who not only started deploying ADSL2+, but also, ran Microwave towers to obtain competitive backhaul to a region that had NO BROADBAND, and only Telstra phone lines. That’s a credit to Internode, at any length.

The FTTN network announced by the G9 however, has my support, because of the following reasons, which simply cannot be argued by any Telstra Staff or Fanboi, at any rate:

1. The proposal offers infrastructure only, services are supplied by Retail ISPs, not the Infrastructure owner.
2. Operational Transparency, both retail ISPs and the FTTN network operate independant of each other, paying the operator of the network (something Bigpond can’t seriously claim, after releasing 8Mbps before Telstra Wholesale could).
3. The network brings faster broadband to the masses, and destroys the Bigpond fraudband concept in many areas of Australia (yes, Bigpond do not sell Broadband).
4. The costs of the network are near $15/customer. Telstra wanted to charge $30/customer or more. It’s the same, but half price!
5. It should have enough automatic initiative to extend itself automatically into Regional Areas, and further Australia wide, due to being simply an Infrastructure retailer, and not a Retail supplier (they don’t need to worry too much about loss leading, because its long term infrastructure only).
6. They aren’t demanding excessive ROI for the project, they get it done, bring real broadband to australians, make some money, become a big brother, threaten Telstras monopoly status in MANY areas, causing it to either:
a) duplicate. They’ve still got the money to duplicate.
b) compete. What happens when the sky has.. 2 moons..?
7. They aren’t proposing duplication of infrastructure, simply, replacing segments of it, and then becoming a infrastructure supplier, and nothing else.

– It’s very easy to see why the ACCC would support this plan, as it can’t be deemed as anti-competitive if they are going about it correctly, and not disadvantaging any company by extorting them, or having a conflict of interest.

I think its time Telstra lost one of its Conflict of Interests, that is, Retail and Wholesale. They may claim to be seperate, but.. How does Bigpond offer 8Mbps before Telstra Wholesale can offer it? Simple really, Bigpond don’t pay them a cent. If they did, they’d know for sure how bad other ISPs have it, and might actually start seeing the picture. Unlikely, but none the less, Bigpond should be paying for what it supplies. Realistically, they make like 5 – 10% off a customer compared to wholesale prices. I bet the profit statements don’t show that. Because they don’t pay for ports. :(.

Other ISPs have it tough. It’s not easy getting even half way to the top of the big, giant of the industry, but the G9 have the power to do it.

Also, Optus bringing ADSL2+ is certainly a good competitor to Bigpond. Not many customers will take up ADSL2+ from Bigpond, when others are offering it THAT much cheaper. I consider Telstra on a path that is going to destroy it, either by ignorance, or competition, both of which threaten it at this time.

Why, oh, Why must I put up with this crap fraudband ?

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Music to my ears (or not)

I promised in my last entry that I wouldn’t talk about some topic or something, so that isn’t going to happen tonight. Nope. No discussion on a particular topic.

I like varieties of music. I’m not really for or against any particular flavour of music, that is, until it gets excessively too much of that single variety that it just bores me.

Imagine listening to a particular style of music, so much so, that it gets stuck so far inside your head that you would absolutely start listening to classical music, just so you get a change of tune.

That’s what the music scene has been like for me lately. Prior to 2003, there was great variety of music. You could turn the tele on ABC on a Saturday morning and listen to a bit of RnB, some Rap, some 80s, 90s and Today (well, Yesterday).

Now, you can turn the TV on, or the radio for that matter, and guess what you get an earful of?
You guessed it. “I’ll stuff your mother, then your hoe, and when I’m done there, I’ll stuff your stuffing bro”.
Rap. It’s getting a little too overbearing for my liking. I used to listen to the likes of ‘Eminem’, and ‘Twista’, and ‘Ice Cube’ a fair bit. But it got boring fast. So, I moved to Ministry Of Sound, and the like, and it was OK, remixes are cool! But, there isn’t a lot of that, that is easily likable, that blends in well with music to be listening to, often.

So, Off I went, on a search for media streams. The streams needed:
1. A mix of music.
2. Be streaming free on PIPE.
3. Not contain a predominant Rap target.

Well, my search ended at PIPE peering, as per yesterday, there is very few that online radio streams appear on PIPE. In fact, I’m nearly limited to 3FL.

So, looking at 3FL’s variety, it’s certainly a very much welcomed addition, it takes the constant, repetitve music away from my ears for a while. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t remove it completely, I listen to the two Top 40 stations they relay, Club977 Hitz and Hitz Radio, and unfortunately, both those radio stations contain a LOT of rap music, and not so much in “other music”. Sure, it’s OK to hear “Shaggy – It wasn’t me” in as many years as its been, and some No Doubt (I like No Doubt, good band – shame Gwen went the way of Rap, read: Akon).

Unfortunately so, Akon has a lot of music that gets played, and Gwen Stefani’s new hits can only be played so many times before they get boring. I like a little rotation, a little mix up, add some “Martika – I feel the earth move” and some “Nelly Furtado – Turn Off The Light” and .. heck, some Savage Garden, and .. some occasional Outkast, but lose the constant Akon, the constant Eminem, the constant Rap. Mix it up a little. Is that much to ask?

Well, there is a solution! Eye97. A great online radio station ( It’s available to Internode users, dang it. I want some more mixed radio. I want it from my machine, so it’s in the same room, without having an “extra device” running.

I’ve asked on the 3FL forums for more, more general music. Let’s hope a solution happens.

In the mean time, let’s try to avoid Akon, Eminem, Dr. Dre, and so on, as much as possible. I just can’t stand Rap anymore. It’s too.. boring. They lose my interest in the first 15 seconds of a 3 minute ‘tune’ (if it can be called that).
Again, I’m no hater of any variety of music, but when I turn the radio on, and find, Rap, Rap, (C)rap, And it’s exactly what I am not looking for, it sort of drives you insane.

The motivation for radio stations to do this, is obviously upstream royalties related to Ring Tones. Think about it. Why else produce a predominantly Rap filled program, compared to the late 90’s, early 2000’s Madonna, and so on music mixes? Only logical explanation is “money”, and “money” for rap, isn’t something that is found as easy as on CD’s, nope, it’s all in the Ring Tones.

Great, now I’m listening to crappy “Outkast – Roses” – yes, your shit does stink.

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VoIP and PSTN Failover

The question remains, will PSTN still have life in it, after VoIP gains greater than 50% market capitalisation?

Previously, I have stated that my current stance on this is the PSTN should be always used where appropriate, due to calls to 000, and so forth. Sorry, but VoIP just doesn’t have the same reliability that PSTN does. You can pick up your PSTN line, and be very sure you’ll get a dial tone, and very much sure you’ll get a outbound line to wherever you like.

The issue remains, if you have good reception, a good mobile, plenty of battery life, continuously, and maintain your mobile, to a good quality, should you keep your PSTN line, if you don’t need it for broadband purposes.

On one side, the cost saving side, the answer is “No”. It’d be seldom used, and serve more as a door stop / cash disposal. The other side says, the cautious side, the technology can break side, the let’s not put all eggs in one basket side, don’t disconnect your PSTN line. It’s a measure of “What if’s”.

What if the mobile is flat?
What if the mobile is broken?
What if the mobile is lost?
What if VoIP is down?
What if bandwidth is low?
What if the net is down?

I guess the real issue is, if a combination of those factors rolled into one would affect you.

Would your mobile, and a second mobile be disabled, at the same time as your internet connection?
Would your power be out, at the same time as your mobile flat?

The likelihood isn’t that likely. In all honesty, you’d be pretty careless cutting off your phone service, by not charging a mobile or something like that.

The real case here, and a sticking point for Telstra, which will likely be their own selling point is, how sure are you that none of those events will happen in the need of a 000 level emergency? More to it, what’s the likelihood of:
1. The power being out.
2. Your mobile being flat.
3. Your second mobile being flat.
4. A 000 emergency..
.. happening simultaneously?

It just doesn’t seem likely, of course, until a situation like that happens.

Those with ADSL at this time don’t have a problem, they are forced to keep a connected line, regardless.

Those with other forms of broadband can easily be tempted to do away with the PSTN line, I suspect as more and more users discover VoIP, this question will arise more often. I doubt we’ll see many throwing PSTN lines away yet. And if it does happen a lot, I suspect Telstra to fight back with a basic, “keep connected” offer, which will mean $5 or so a month for a soft connected line, as “insurance”. Makes sense to me.

Counter arguments have also been thought of, example, cordless phone being flat, no line powered phone being available.

The situations would be unique, but still, it’s a question that might need to have some sort of directions aimed at it, in the interests of consumer safety.

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Updates – gone wrong

Using open source, and collaborated source is great. It’s a group effort, supporting a group cause.

There’s a downside though. What happens when a function in a module or application changes names in a version? Why change name? Well, unfortunately, it happened to me tonight, and it took a good bit of time to trace the culprit down.

What has happened is someone took the time to update the core files, sweet, unfortunately, they took the time to abbreviate a function to a shorter form of its name.

Here I am finding out why it won’t compile.. It’s all correct, code seems valid, but, the function called isn’t outputting anything. That function has been there for a fair while, why wouldn’t it be now? Anyway, I opened the source file, and dug around, and .. they shortened the word “string” to “str”.

Honestly, it wasn’t that big of a deal, but it’d have helped if they left an alias function, so it didn’t break other programs that made references to that function. It’s not that hard to do that either, for example

function old_functionname(vars here) {
new_functionanme(original vars);

function new_functionanme(vars here) {
//do exact operation

And that basically keeps all happy. The function can be updated, without worry, or breaking others programs! If you code for the open source community, or collaborate on a project, do others, and yourself a favour, don’t rename functions unless you have to, and if you do, alias the other function, unless the code has changed “THAT” much, that it’d likely break the application anyway, without the coder reviewing it. It saves us all time and unnecessary research. Those 3 characters cost me at least 20 minutes of debugging. Not funny.

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Happy Birthday to me!!

It was my birthday today, and it was great.

I got spoiled ;).

The presents consisted of many new additions:

2x 17″ LCD monitors!

I’m happy with that 🙂 It’s fan-bloody-tastic.

I’ve changed resolution to 1280×1024, and its great. I did run that before on 17″ CRT’s, however, it became more of an eye sore rather than enhancement, and my monitors made a whining noise.

I wish I could solve an issue with my KVM however, when I swap between server and desktop, I get a flickery effect on my screen. That issue was traced back to the refresh rates being different, however, with the LCD’s, its doing the same thing, even at the same resolution. New video card coming tomorrow should solve that, meaning I can:

1. Run both monitors
2. Run out to the TV
3. All of the above

Without changing a single setting, which is fantastic (And will solve the swapping between monitors issue, where Ultramon (its a second startbar, fantastic program), would forget where my windows are.. And that’s a pain in the arse. Whirlpool for example, has a set position for me. I go to it when I want whirlpool. I have a spot for Dreamweaver, I go to it when I wanna code. I have my IE window, and I go to it.. for IE. I know where they are.. Just like I know where the keys are on my keyboard..

Anyway, so that’s that problem solved, and LCD’s “rock”. They are so much easier to look at. So much more… smoother.. then the CRTs. Probably cheaper on the power bill, that I have waged war against, and have bought down from a whopping… $600.00 as at April 2006, to .. a calm 19/20kWH from preliminary monitoring here (that equates to around $187.38ex GST, and Energy Australia’s SAC charges, and what not..), and could be dropping further with the LCD’s!

On the power debate… Solar Hot Water.. Every house should have it. We had it a while back, and it was great. Though, the power bill was still very expensive, at $600 – they tend to do that when you have a CPU running at 100%, as a result of forgetting to move next in a recordset .. D’oh (I left it for months like that). Expensive bug, I probably won’t forget to movenext, next time.

Back to my birthday, it’s been a pretty good birthday, nothing outrageous, no Munnalitta (sorry, I just don’t think she can make it as a stripper), and no hassles at all.

And this is a pretty blank entry, but.. Happy 21st to me :).

Oh, read Whirlpool too people, iiNet slams Telstra again, with a whopping big reduction in ADSL2+ cutover prices: The drop is from $99 per cutover to $1500 for 50 cutovers, and $30 per cutover after that.. Basically reducing an average 200 customer cutover from: $19,800 to $6,000. The issue, as stated on Whirlpool, is that they have a large percentage of cutovers done now… The decision is a little late.. But could be good to see them spend some cash regionally, hint, hint, nudge, nudge..
Simon Hackett mentioned a figure in the $30,000’s a fair while ago. No bulk discount for cutovers. This issue is likely to provoke more anger within Telstra, as shareholder profits are moving towards their destiny, down to all time lows, until Management gets a kick in the teeth and owns up to its rorts that it puts competition and Australian voting consumers too. Telstra, I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, we vote our government in, we choose who makes the decisions that you don’t seem to agree with, the Australian public is therefore correct, and wants to see Telstra regulated to the bone, til they shape up and start offering fair telecommunication and broadband pricing to competitors and consumers. You’ll learn soon enough.

Read the full story here:

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ADSL2+ in Gosford, other exchanges to follow

Some while ago, Exetel Communications published an ADSL2+ DSLAM list, from upstream supplier Optus.

That list showed some local exchanges on it (to my amazement!!):

Gosford / Saratoga Jan-07 SRTA NSW
Gosford / Woy Woy Jan-07 WOYY NSW
Gosford/Avoca Beach Dec-06 ABCH NSW
Gosford/Long Jetty Feb-07 LJTY NSW
Gosford/Terrigal Jan-07 TRGL NSW

That was published by a Exetel Forum Staff Member / Forum Moderator on the 4th of July 2006.

It’s now the 23rd of February 2007, and of course, none of those exchanges are in a ADSL2+ retail state.

Let’s Go also publish a list of ADSL2+ DSLAM locations (they also provide services from Optus):
On the Let’s Go list, released on the 9th of February, we form a few conclusions. Gosford is going live either now, or before March 7 (as per a post on the Whirlpool Forums). Exetel currently have Gosford as “Active”. Gosford, in the July 2006 list from Exetel made no mention of “Gosford”.

Exetel published Avoca Beach as being ADSL2+ ready in December 2006.

Let’s Go publish that Avoca Beach is due to be ready in March 2007.

So, based on that information (and Saratoga supposedly ready in January 2007, which is very much near Gosford, is set to go live according to Let’s Go, in April 2007).

The seemingly obvious is a 3 month delay on the July 2006 list.

Therefore, if I’m correct, the exchange timetable looks like:

Gosford / Saratoga April -07 SRTA NSW
Gosford / Woy Woy April -07 WOYY NSW
Gosford/Avoca Beach March -07 ABCH NSW
Gosford/Long Jetty May -07 LJTY NSW
Gosford/Terrigal April -07 TRGL NSW

Hopefully those dates aren’t much off. I think they could be sooner then that, Gosford is apparently live now, Optus DSL customers are being cut over on March 7.

More importantly, I hope I get ADSL2+ on my exchange soon!

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The Netspace Moving Saga continues

I don’t like sequels, because in a lot of cases, they overdo it, or do something different that makes the original look that MUCH better.

Sometimes sequels are good, and the results turn to be better then expected. Anyway, here is a continuing dilemma that I am having with Netspace right now (see previous post on the matter).

Here is what is currently going on with Netspace:

Here’s why.

I arranged my move after we moved in, due to their policy, which is you have to submit the application online, or by fax. And if you are keeping same number, you need to wait for the number to be moved before you can submit an application. Anyway, I did that.

First, I tested the moving application before I moved, and saw that you can’t keep the same plan. Ouch. So I contacted K, at Netspace, and advised him of this problem, he noted he was aware of this issue, and I had to simply submit the application with any plan, and email them as well stating I want to keep the same plan.

So, I did that. Exactly that, I submitted the move application online, I emailed them no more then 5 minutes after that, via the back up dial up. I began the wait for connection to my 1500 Active Flat Rate to be resumed at the new address. I checked emails everyday waiting for a response stating that they had received my request to stay on the same plan, as K directed me to. Unfortunately, Netspace didn’t respond to any of my 3 follow up emails to confirm they received my request. I only got one email, the auto reply. I didn’t get a response to that email, until near 1 week later.

Exceptional timing, around 3 days later, I got connected, and I had a 512/512 service. Wait.. I have a 1500/256 Active Flat Rate service. Someone stuffed up. K had provisioned the service as 512/512, instead of the requested (and by his instructions) 1500/256 service that I am still contracted for.

Everything was fine, it was just running at 512/512, instead of the 1500/256. So a request was made that they fix the line speed, by submitting a Line Speed Change request to Telstra, which should set things right. They change the speed of the 512/512 service to 1500/256, should only set Netspace out of pocket around $20 dollars, and all will be sweet.

Last night, Netspace had a large outage, lasting from 11PM, through to the early AM hours, and even til 9AM, I wasn’t able to authenticate. I woke this morning, and discovered the line speed at 512/128. What on earth? They couldn’t have stuffed up again, could they? We were still unable to authenticate as well.

Shortly after that, we lost ADSL Line Sync. Leaving us back on the painful dial up service.

So, we are now left with no ADSL, after having ADSL for 1 week, and still waiting for them to get the move submitted correctly (apparently, this was done yesterday).

The call this morning with S, showed that Netspace was all too willing to blame Telstra for Netspace’s stuff up, the actual issue lies completely with K, and prior to that, The web programmer for not allowing customers to keep existing plans when he / she designed the monstrous moving application. No offence M.

All I want is my net connected, receiving the service I pay for. I’m all too happy to now escalate this to a TIO complaint, since they don’t seem to be able to get things done RIGHT.

Here is a point to note, It costs them $20 to change line speed (some cases free), it costs them at least $60.00 to terminate a connected service within 6 months. It costs them at least $90.00 to arrange a relocation of a service (that is now, no longer connected). It costs them around $100 or more to connect a new service.

Personally, I’d have let the service go ahead, and simply change line speed, thus saving no downtime, and avoiding the costs. They did afterall know I was connected, considering that I knew the line speed was stuffed up. Why take the long way about it? What if they have no ports left for the new connection order? What then?

Stupidity at its finest.

I’m very annoyed with all this. I’ve got a server to get back online, I’ve got web developments pending and waiting completion. I can’t do any of that with assclowns running the ship. I can’t really churn either, because their contract policy means that leaving sees you paying for a service you don’t receive. I can’t build a business around a loss.

I just hope for Netspace’s sake, that they avoid the TIO complaint that I am pushing to put through, and they get this matter SORTED. Very fast running out of patience with all the issues with them lately.

Notice, this was edited, I had actually had names of members of Netspace staff originally posted, and this wasn’t realised until recently. The names have been removed. But the matter itself remains unresolved.

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OzVoIPStatus: Provider Status Logo

I got a designer I know (maty, you legend), to design a logo for users to display on websites about their providers VoIP uptime statistics on OzVoIPStatus.

The logos, pictured below, aren’t the finals, however, we are interested in criticism for them.

OzVoIPStatus provider stats image 1OzVoIPStatus provider stats image 2

Feel free to post away any criticism on the suggested logos. I personally think they good, certainly a lot better then I’d do.

Let’s see some criticism. Simply reply below.

Posted in VoIP | 8 Comments