HOWTO: Process a command line application (give it Input / Output) with ASP

Here’s something fantastic, for all those interested.

With PHP, you can simply execute command line commands by shell_exec, exec and so forth. You prepare your command, you tell it what to execute, and .. it gets executed, output is returned. If you want a more controlling interest in the application, you connect to stdin / stdout, and you have a communications path with the underlying system.

With ASP, on the other hand, things become a lot more interesting, and well, not as simple.

Let’s say you have a command line application, that takes commands, and starts, and might ask questions, or require input (or text stream) prior to terminating, and returning data.

How would you go about getting access to that data, and returning its result? Obviously, you could write it to file, but the web process can’t write to folders / files by default, and you might not want write permissions on a folder needlessly.

So, the solution is bought to you by Microsoft.

You need to know the location of the executable, and any parameters it takes, and do the following. The same applies for using it as a WSH (windows scripting host) script as well.

PathToApp = “C:\progra~1\app\app.exe”
AppArgs = “-v –help”
Set sh = Server.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
Set exec = sh.Exec(PathToApp & ” ” & AppArgs)
exec.stdin.writeline(“The data stream I need is right here. The data is going to be used to net send another server.”)
exec.stdin.writeline(chr(26)) ‘ chr(26) is the EOF character, your program might require EOF to finish waiting on data.
exec.stdin.close ‘ this closes the StdIn stream, a program might also wait on this instead

‘ The above deals with getting the application started, and feeding it data. We still wanna see what it thought of it.

While Not exec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
Response.Write “Line: ” & exec.StdOut.ReadLine() & “


While Not exec.StdErr.AtEndOfStream
Response.Write “Error: ” & exec.StdErr.ReadLine() & “


Response.Write “Complete.”

Set exec = nothing
set sh = nothing

Basically, what the StdErr stream contains is any messages of an error in nature, some applications use StdErr instead to communicate, so it keeps any messages that might be informational in nature away from the output, which might be required to be intact for further processing.

So, stderr might contain messages of a status in nature, like “Finished” for example. This is a great method for communicating with command line applications though, because it keeps you secured to your own spawned wscript object, and if you don’t have any bugs, or spawn any windows, you can go undetected, aside from task manager and the pslist, obviously not the intention here though.

If you compare this method with echoing information on the command line, you can realise that the command line on linux (not this jobs purpose) can be read by anyone, for example, cat /proc/process-num/cmdline could reveal information you might not want revealed. And of course, writing information to files in any environment carries the risk that it might be read by someone else as well, even if temporarily. Disk drives can be recovered.

NB: You use any information contained on this website at your own risk. It’s not my problem if you use it incorrectly. All information provided on an all care, but no responsibility basis.

Happy coding.

Posted in Programming | 1 Comment

Now, where did we put that nameserver? We split it up? Into 31 peices?

I’m absolutely surprised by this recent stuff up of a webhost that has caused a few issues for a few people.

I won’t name the host or the company involved, as they are liable to take the action that a few people seem to take, when I write something that isn’t promoting them.

Let’s get into the issue.
The domain that is affected isn’t able to be resolved on Bigpond or Optus connections, and perhaps many other ISPs as well.

The issue has gone on for a few days now, and hasn’t even been touched.

The responses from the nameservers that aren’t returning results seems to indicate that it can’t find the nameserver requested.

The actual issue, is the record is duplicated or split into 31 records: 3600 IN NS 3600 IN NS 3600 IN A 3600 IN A 3600 IN A 3600 IN A

and several more A records for, all with different IPs. 86400 IN A

As far as I do know, and I claim to know a lot, you can’t have multiple A records for a NS record.

Doing so causes the DNS system to become confused, because a nameserver requires 1, single, static IP.

And the transcript of the session, employer to employee would be something like this:

Employer: Why did you add multiple A records, with different IPs for a static nameserver?
Employee: I was creating redundancy boss.
Employer: Yes, you were creating your own redundancy, Don’t come Monday.

How stupid do you get? More importantly, how do they get jobs? Such incompetence, and letting it go on for several days, and failing to TEST the changes made.

I have no real idea why someone would do such a thing like that, unless they thought they were creating redundancy (the whole idea behind having multiple IPs, though its generally all done on the single line, and not multiple.

I find it increasingly surprising that incompetent people get jobs in IT, where a lot of demand is placed by customers, when things get borked up.

You can’t grow a business at all with the wrong staff. You really do need to ensure you have the staff at the frontline, or administering the back end, fully knowing the service / product by the back of their hand, and if they don’t, get the whip out and make em find out.

If this was a LARGER, BIGGER company, well, first, they’d never have made such a stupid stuff up, but more importantly, customers would be leaving by masses, due to such stupidity.

They all rely on the push button web interface to do the job for them, and it does the job well, except, you still need a little more than half a brain to do the job properly.

Anyway, the idea here is that companies should carefully screen employees, make sure they are fit for the task, and aren’t about to – screw – things up completely for them, and the clients they service.

Now, we gotta play the waiting game to see when Mr. Incompetent gets back to work and sees the error of his ways, IF he sees the error of his ways.

Please whip the staff. Just screw ups cost businesses money. Probably more than Mr. Incompetent makes a year.

On other news, Telstra seem to have reacted even more badly to news of competition, with news of Optus getting a $600 million dollar government subsidy to provide network services to regional users: Good on ya Optus, love ya work.
See this article:Telstra fury on fast net subsidy. Telstra are furious they might actually have to compete now. Ohh, poor babies. Grow a …. brain, and use it.

Hopefully, $600 million goes a long way to getting me faster internet, at great prices.

Posted in Linux, Networking, Programming, Random | Leave a comment

Vonage being sued by Verizon

I heard recently heard that Vonage are being sued by Verizon for patent breach.

I was digging through the patents after I was linked to them, and was shocked to see the wording of some patents.

They are so poorly worded. I was browsing the titles, and just for VoIP i found a few weirdly worded topics, like “VoIP Gateway”. What on earth are they trying to pull there? Trying to sue all VoIP gateway providers for providing a VoIP service.

Actually, just looking at this for a moment, Verizon taking Vonage to court, it’s very well possible the same could happen with sites like, which basically use ENUM to turn telephone numbers into .. anything, including IP addresses.

The patent owned by Verizon I’m lead to believe is exactly that. They turn a phone number into an IP address. That’s not a crime. Actually, here’s something, the inventor of TCP/IP could sue Verizon for breaching the design priniciples of end to end translation. Or, how about the same principle with DNS ? Core network protocols, and they don’t scream patent breach.

Anyway, you dig deeper and you can see patents lapsing because they weren’t renewed for example. Looking at the costs, you could also agree that it is kind of costly to maintain a patent as well, espiecially when you are only buying into patents to abuse them and sue anyone that develops anything surrounding the technology.

What’s next? Telstra suing iiNet / Internode for being the leader in marketing ADSL2+?

I do hope that things work out well for Vonage, because this is absolute trash. It’s not within the realm of patents which is to protect someone’s intellectual property (ie, inventions) from being copied, and Vonage provided a simple number to IP translation service, that seems fine.

Actually, if you really think, long, hard and deep about it, the VoIP technology is basically turning a phone number into an IP address. Let’s see Verizon try and take on the rest of the world’s VoIP providers for providing free on-net calls, ie. translating 101 into sip:101@123.456.789.012 – nearly exactly what the case is with Vonage.

Patents are there to do a few things, but inclusive in that is to ensure unique developments in the science realms, we don’t really need 5 of everything developped, if the first one isn’t being held in an anti competitive monopoly. We do need more innovation, it’s the way forward, right? What’s the point in moving forward in areas, if everyone’s gonna try and sue you for.. innovating? Utilising science, or for want of a better phrase, bringing the future to you – “Using their heads”.

I should just go patent the “concepts and theories of creating a patent”. I could from that point on take everyone of them down for thinking of a patent. It’s kind of restrictive. I think people deserve a right to see their work protected, but at the same time, they shouldn’t be capable of suing someone just because they came up with a genuine use for an idea, or modified an idea to fit into a different realm. The ambiguity of some of them is very bad. They could be expected to detail, in great detail, and possible applications, of their invention, and that’d probably narrow things down a bit more.

Posted in Networking, Random, VoIP | Leave a comment

Legal Threats In Businesses – to fund themselves?

What should a business do when they are alerted to a negative message about the business on someone else’s media stream?

1. Email them threatening legal action.
2. Accept it, learn from their mistakes and try and improve themselves.
3. Shrug it off and let others do the same later on.

There are several companies out there that deploy some of these tactics.

For example, Retail PC parts supplier in Brisbane, QLD, GameDude has so many negative comments on various online forums and shopping sites that you’d be a complete fool to purchase from them knowing the experiences of others.

And a more recent example, a local computer supplier has threatened me with legal action for a post detailing my experience with them and how I found them rude, and insulting after seeking information about equipment they may have had in stock.

It seems businesses like that aren’t making a lot of moolah and depend on the business they can get, and when someone says something negative, they need to threaten legal action for, and I quote: “deformation of character”.

The IT shops that open up every where could be run by anyone. Any monkey can resell, there’s no real skill with that. You get a little more skill credit if you can provide correct, accurate pre and post sales support, and even more so if you have clearly demonstrated abilities in the industry you seek to resell to.

But essentially, they are still bottom feeders, using no to low skilled people to undertake the work required, which is of a basic level.

Anyway, the businesses in question make somewhere from $5 to $20 a sale, and that’s on parts only. They make a little more profit providing service, but essentially, they don’t turn high profits, because the profits aren’t that soaring compared to other, more specific, and more skilled industries. So, they sort of depend on all those sales they can get to make a good profit, and they don’t even need people capable of spelling “deformation” correctly to do that, or be able to construct correct sentences, or even a detailed paragraph, very poor english skills indeed, but they can still pull out the old screw driver, and see if they can find a fault, or generate some crap for the customer to hear that they might believe and pay for a format.

But what happens when a negative response comes from a prospect customer? Do they learn from it? Should they?

Well, in my opinion, they should, because they could find themselves wishing for a shop to work from.
The Australian legal system has several aspects when it comes to defamation. The clear cut one is:
You can’t sue for defamation if you undertake any activity that brings about such response.
The provision I refer to above is all about incitement. If you annoy someone with comments like “That’s why we run a PC shop and you don’t”, you generally deserve the response that might come from it for insulting a customer anyway.

At the point of insulting me, I immediately hanged up on the person, I wasn’t going to tolerate that. My immediate reaction is, that was so rude, and so insulting of everything I’ve put my life to for the last few years, that I should never purchase from there again, and make sure word gets out that they are extremely insulting – and I immediately started the word of mouth chain.

The point here though is, they bought about such word of mouth themselves by insulting me. That’s clear incitement. They can’t sue me for that. If they did, they’d lose, and they’d be paying my legal costs (possibly from some loan sourced from remortgaging their house to find the money, after giving up the shop they currently retail from, because business wouldn’t fund the costs).

And also, threatening vexatious legal action is also a subset that is available to those who have been threatened by a company or solicitor with legal action and they don’t follow through on it. Should they threaten to sue, and you allow for that lawsuit to proceed (by not complying for example), they can actually get sued themselves for vexatious threats, and be forced to pay any legal expenses, and in cases, compensation.

Now, I’m not an arse. I don’t intend for them to lose their shop, I know, I’m too nice. I do intend for them to pull their heads in and get their arses into gear though, so I naturally took the right course of action and explained the possible loss making legal outcomes for suing me for “deformation” – heh, that’s funny, de form ation. Just how deformed are they?

I’m not out to chase them out of business, they are a local computer shop, without them, we’d have everyone going the extra distance elsewhere, or me starting my own side venture for a PC shop for the locals. I’ve got better interests, hint, higher profit interests, that obviously sparked their eyes a little ;), that I stick with, and grow from. I certainly wouldn’t sue someone for having a negative experience with me. I’d go further out of my way to keep them happy and come to a happy resolution, doing that tends to slow the negative word of mouth down.

How do I know this? I’ve been behind the scenes in a few places, and I’ve seen the complaints, I’ve seen the positives, and I’ve seen the chain reaction results. 10 positive happy customers might not be as vocal, but they are better than 1 negative customer who can scream for cities, states, countries, and planets.

On a different topic, Big Brother seems to have lost interest lately, with a record low audience number for the opening night, and of course, the unreliable media streams like to spit chips about porn sites that don’t exist, according to Behind Big Brother.

Big Brother seems more interesting this year though, I would expect numbers to climb due to having the White Room, and the latest additions.

It seems to be shaping into a good season, but so is all the hype around Big Brother at the start of a season.

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The HDD internals

WARNING: The following content might be too graphic for some viewers. If seeing scarred tissue, or the internals of a foreign body might make you ill, you are encouraged to look away now.

Ok, with the wimps gone, we can now go into detail about my recent attempts at recovery data.

First, some history. The drive was stuffed sometime during a stormy night in April 2006. Since that point in time, we’ve been meaning to find the cash to get some photos recovered off the drive.

When I approached several companies for recovery prices, it was rather shocking to hear figures like $3000, $900, $2500, and “upwards from $4000”.

Sure enough, I investigated further what they claim to do, and why they think its worth so much. Sure enough, someone in a jumpsuit with a room that is absolutely clean does the work. Establishing a clean room can’t be cheap, and its not every day a HDD crashes.

I left it sit aside for someday when we have the budget to find someone cheap to do the job of getting some photos and data off the drive.

Recently, as in around 2 weeks ago, I was talking to a friend over MSN about it (came up in conversation), and he mentioned he had recovered a drive. One and one clicked together, and I immediately thought, he probably doesn’t have a clean room in his house, let alone one that those “recovery experts” want to charge us a lot to get a drive dismantled in.

Moving on, the first thing we tried was SpinRite, from GRC. We connected the drive, started it up, and unfortunately, the drive wasn’t detecting.

We tried the freezer trick, to see if that’d make it work. Nope, after around 5 hours of freezing, the drive still enjoyed a good click.

So, next, I decided to investigate some videos found online, at a website, I think it was

Anyway, after reviewing his detailed presentation, I came to the conclusion that, we aren’t in the 85% of software recoveries, so the 10% of recoveries are simple logic board changes. Great, That’s simple, unscrew, chuck a new board on, done.
Luckily, I did my research more before I did that move, and noticed you need a logic board with the same firmware, and a near match as the same drive (also mentioned in the video presentation – another great, legit use of bandwidth).

I remembered, I bought that drive, and a second one with it. I bought two because two machines needed simultaneous upgrades, and it just so happened my method of obtaining computer parts means I try to do a big order, so I discount the shipping as much as possible.

As a result of that, a second drive did exist, and should have came from the same box that this drive came from. My assumption was correct.

So, I immediately got to business in swapping the logic board over after ghosting the 120GB to a 320GB drive (that’s a fair deal for .. stealing a 120GB, outdated drive, right?).

Unfortunately, the one bit that ruined all those few milliseconds where I was ready to scream “I fkn rule” was the first click after pushing the power switch. Dang. So we aren’t in that 10% of logic board recoveries, so we must be in the 4% of head crash recoveries, because the 1% of motor recoveries isn’t me, the motor spins ;).

That 4% seems like a rare number, but anyway, it was certain that drive is gonna come apart sooner or later, so I figure, I’ll go look. The video presentation I viewed mentioned to check the tracks for silver specs, and inspect the dust pillow of the drive. I pulled the drive apart to check it out, and.. well, you see for yourself:

HDD Top View

What you can see in the above picture is the outer part of the top platter with a deep scratch in it. The specs you can see on the platter are completely natural, as the drive blows those off as it spins up, that’s the idea of the cushion in the corner, to catch that stuff and hold on to it. The head is the large arm that sits close to the middle chamber that holds the platters.

From there, it was obvious that the head does have to come off, and we still aren’t certain how much damage is done to the underside of the platters (this drive has two platters).

Side on view of HDD

What you can see in this, is the platter, with the head on top of it, and at the bottom sits the second platter.

Anyway, the next step for this drive is to get some sample drives from my MSN friend to play with a head swap to see how that goes, if I get good at that, I’m gonna make a clean box, and pull it apart and do a head swap, and Linux saves the rest of the day again with DD. I tell it to create a full image of the disk to the point of the scratch and we can work with the image at that point which will likely have the data we want recovered.

How’s that for saving several thousand of dollars.

Be aware folks, they aren’t toys, and you shouldn’t attempt this, even though I decided to. You pull a HDD apart, and void warranty at own risk, and any data loss, direct or indirect is on your own hands. Simply, you are highly discouraged from doing any thing mentioned above, and if you do, you do it at your own risk.

The head swap is a little tedious with two platters, you need what I believe is a post it note to keep the heads pushed apart at all times, if they touch, it’s game over. You also need to get the heads back in place in the other drive, to recover the data from, a task in its own when you are working with micro electronics.

Oh, and while I’m posting here, always buy Seagate drives. Nothing’s as tough as a Seagate drive. Even in the video presentation I watched, it was mentioned the highest drives they received issues from were Western Digital, and that completely agrees with my own drive usage.

I’ve had 1 Seagate 80GB drive in my machine for 3 – 4 years or so now, when I built this box back in 2003. That’s how solid they are.

Another Seagate 120GB drive had a bad sector once, was afraid all was lost, started Seatools, waited 30 minutes or so, fixed. Works fine, that happened last year.

Another Seagate 160GB drive just late last year had issues too, it would work, but disappear occasionally, anyway, it powered on for weeks while I waited patiently for an RA number, and eventually sent it back, and replacement works fine. I didn’t lose any data from any of the Seagate drives described above.

This Western Digital is the first Western Digital drive, and.. well, it has one storm go buy and bombs out, in a room that had around 8 or more HDD’s running at the same time.

My server here as a 40GB WD, and a 80GB Seagate, looking at SpeedFan’s SMART viewer, the WD has low rating..

The Seagate drives all have very high ratings, and have very long uptimes. The only time my entire network is down is when a power outage occurs, or when I am doing something that means taking machines down.

I’ve become a lot greener with electricity too, I’ve moved a few machines into virtual machines on the one server and now each machine has a real purpose requiring being turned on, as a result our power usage seems to be realigning itself to a cheaper scale, and the $400 power bills should be gone (it’s nearly that time again too).

Anyway, that’s what a HDD is like for you.

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PC Crash problems solved

I solved my crashing PC issue today.

I didn’t need a new power supply, just a different card.

I upgraded from the 256MB AGP 8x fx5500 by Gigabyte, to a 256MB AGP 8x GeForce 6200.

I have to say, the difference is pretty good:
Games run smoother.
Passmark’s BurnInTest (the 3D Graphics test) scores around 15fps, and it looks nice and smooth.
And, my regular few games I play (when I do play games) do seem a fair bit smoother.

On top of that, I did some other things today, such as:
1. Move a 120GB drive to a 320GB drive. – Ghost, FTW.
2. Installed my AGP card.
3. Installed my old AGP card into the same system I was stealing the 120GB drive from.
4. Worked with the two 120GB HDD’s, tomorrow’s post will go into detail :).

I’m coding a few items at the moment too.

One of which is a different page display method for OzVoIPStatus.

The idea is to make it so dynamic, and flexible, that I won’t have to edit multiple files to make changes, and make it a bit more modulated.

And with that, I can extend the feature set better. For example, I could code features knowing several services would be active, so time with error checks is saved to a degree, not that I would allow many errors to escape untrapped either.

Oh, and here’s something else interesting that happened today.
I was under the impression I would need a new PSU, so I began ringing around a few of the PC shops from white pages.

First off the list was CAT computers, a local computer shop in the same area I live. Check out their lame attempt at a website here: – made in 2006. Pretty poor effort, for a business if you ask me. I’ve actually coded tools that keep shops in sync!

I contacted them, and explained what I wanted, and why I wanted the PSU, stating that it was blue screening due to what seems to be high power consumption, during game play.

The logic behind this is simple, a graphics card which wants to power two monitors with a TV, a P4 3.0 – 630 CPU all sucking full load to process the sudden real time workload thrown at it. I came to this after proving that all other hardware was good, another graphics card was good, and with the problematic graphics card in, disconnecting 2 HDDs saw it work fine.

The idiot at the other end of the line told me a few things, one was that they were out of stock on anything over 430W – great, what’s the point?, the case they sold me a little while ago states 400W on the PSU, but can’t actually supply 400W reliably, and “My diagnosing method is incorrect.”, “That’s why I don’t run a computer shop, and he does”, “I should bring my system in and let them look at it”.

Let me answer one question now. I don’t run a computer shop, because I’m far too good to be selling fans and PSU’s on my Saturday for a measily $5 – $10 off each sale.
Further, I can earn a lot more doing my much more enjoyable tasks that match my skillset, and not bother with formatting drives cause Papa decided that tax”xxx” time comes every night with a pr0n website crawl.

I find that very insulting, considering how in depth I went into, to investigating and finding the issue, and proving it beyond a simple imaginary concept, see my blog posts:

Now, just reading those posts alone, would you say my testing method is incorrect? That the issue isn’t as I found to be a power issue, and something else wrong with my system?

The point is anyway, insulting a customer is simply not right.

I don’t buy much from them. Only large purchases and the once in a while cheap purchase.
For example, from them I have bought the following:

My case.
Another person’s case.
A web camera.
A case fan.
A case fan.
A case fan.
Some extension cables.
and just those general other odd purchases.

Anyway, those purchases, they won’t be getting. It’s an extra 20 minutes to Tuggerah, but I think there’s businesses over there that likely deserve it, and without the insults.

I didn’t spend several years with computers, researching hardware, software and receiving:

3650A – Connect Hardware Peripherals – Credit
3650G – Operate Computer Hardware – Credit
3650J – Maintain Equipment and Consumables – Credit
3652A – Connect internal hardware components – Distinction
3651C – Run Standard Diagnostic Tests – Distinction
3650C – Maintain system Integrity – Credit
3651F – Migrate to new use of technology – Pass
3651D – Provide Advice to Clients – Distinction
3653D – Determine and Action Problem – Distinction

… among others also completed to be told…

“Your diagnostic method is incorrect. You need to bring it in for us to look at.”.

I think that in completing a Certificate IV in Information Technology, and receiving a Credit Grade well and truly demonstrates that I can at the very least troubleshoot a problem, and get to the bottom of it.

You see, they only make $5 or so off a sale in the computer hardware industry. I consider myself better than that, and I generally make more coding the crap that empowers some businesses in the industry, or subsets of it.
But stating to me that I didn’t know what I was doing was rude, and disrespectful. Such a business doesn’t deserve my business.

It’s just me. I can find an issue, even if it takes all week to zero in on it. I’ll get to the bottom of it, and I’ll find a way of fixing it. I’m a problem solver, its a personal quality of mine, and I use my problem solving skills in better areas compared to simple computer hardware troubleshooting.

Moving off that topic, before I do take my system down and show him “I > him”.

Tomorrow’s post (assuming a cable gets here) should be about the HDD that I worked with today and had some fun with.

Posted in Programming, Random | 3 Comments

G9 First to move again

The G9 telcos behind the proposal in competition with Telstra’s FTTN network, have made some ground, ahead of Telstra, as is nearly always the case, gotta love innovation.

Anyway, just today they have submitted a draft plan to the ACCC for their proposed FTTN network.

Look at the essential differences between the proposals:

1. Telstra’s plan doesn’t yet seem to mention how they’ll keep competition getting a fair go, and how they’ll be billed. The G9 proposal states they can offer any product they like, they pay wholesale access, and can do whatever they see fit with configuration and offerings.

2. The G9 plan helps competition, by seperating all retail down to just one body, who will not have a retail interest, and instead, be a wholesale only provide of FTTN access. That means, they’ll bill for telephony interconnection, internet access, and any other services they can offer with fibre in 1.5km’s of reach of a customer’s premise.

3. They mention they’ll be expanding into Newcastle and several other areas. Telstra stated they would only eventually extend into Regional areas after they have the metro areas covered.

4. The G9 plan has one minor setback, which can be solved in a few ways, that’s Telstra’s copper network. They are gonna have to steal it from them one way or another, so might as well as do it legally and get legislation changed to allow for such copper network access.

You know, the funny point with this all is. They propose to give Telstra 5.00 a month for each copper line, used or unused. That’s pretty good. That means, for all the copper pairs, they’ll be paying Telstra a guaranteed 5.00 a month.

Telstra currently get 0.00 from disconnected lines, that sit there, doing nothing. They do make a lot off line rental though.

But of greater interest here is, the proposed broadband prices. $45.00 / mth for FTTN broadband access (wholesale).

Telstra’s current 8Mb/384kbps Artificially limited ADSL plans start at 56.00, ex GST, and that’s before other ESSENTIAL costs are added, like AGVC and so forth. So, before it even gets to the ISP, its likely costed them near 65.00 just for the port, the customer still has to pay for the line rental, and of course, the ISP has to add some data usage, and support, and heck, they are a business, so some profit too.

Now, you take current 8Mbps pricing, and knock at least 15.00 or more off, increase the speed to either full ADSL2+ speeds, or even VDSL speeds.

And you get.. ta-da, great value broadband options.

Broadband that whips Telstra’s arse.

This is a no brainer people. They’ve got the right ideas, they’ve got the right prices, they’ve got a more than acceptable technology for current requirements proposed. The only missing link is how they propose to get Telstra’s copper wire. That’s the real deal breaker here, because it would require public to vote, and I’m not sure just how well people will read through it, and get a lot of ideas around it before they vote yes or no.

Of course, we’ll have a heap of biased Telstra shareholders who can’t see passed the end of their… wallets. And a lot of Whirlpool users (except 1 or a few, Tolmartyr comes to mind), and after that, you might see some legitimate, semi-informed votes. From those who read the proposal, and don’t have a biased interest.

I’m going to state I am unbiased on this one. I want cheap, fast, competitive, economy enhancing, broadband, not as a G9 Active Supporter, but as a Australian. I want telecommunications access that is equivilent to that available in <> 150kms from me, in Sydney areas.

Am I asking too much? I didn’t think so.

Posted in Random | 1 Comment

Issues with getting IP resolved on a DNS request

Here’s an interesting issue, solved though.

Client calls in. My internet’s broken.
Run the usual checks:
Proxy: Nup.
Virus: Nup.
Firewall: Nup.
Modem Online: Yep.
Modem has IP: Yep.
Computer is turned on: Yep.
Computer has IP in same range as Modem: Yep.
Computer can access modem: Yep.
DNS resolution works: Nup.
Pinging IP works: Yep.
Check Hosts file for edits: Nup.
Check DNS server for returning wrong IP: Nup.
Something else is returning wrong IP!

Check nslookup, it queries the modem, times out.

Weird. Tell client to bugger off, go have dinner, and I’ll call him back.

Of interest here was the link that Google was resolving to I immediately thought was ‘unique’ compared to ‘name resolution failed’, so dug a little deeper, and .. used Google (not at to find some more information out.

Read a thread on a ubuntu forum that suggests IPv6 is the issue, but works from Windows… Yeh right.

Client is running Windows, having similar error.
So, I decide, we’ll call client after he has eaten, and talk him through checking for IPv6, sure enough, it was installed.

Get him to Uninstall it, and viola, fixed.

How to uninstall IPv6 ?
Click Start, go to Control Panel.
Open Network Connections.
Right click your Local Area Connection, choose Properties.
In the properties list, find IPv6 and select it, push Uninstall.
Answer the following question with a Yes.
And, when prompted to restart, do exactly that. Restart.

Viola, all works fine. Now to contact Exetel and tell them to not investigate the automated phone line fault.. It’s fixed now!

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Yet another issue

The server that I spoke of in a recent blog post, which is kernel panicing every 2 days under kerel 2.6.9-8 and 2.6.9-10 compiled by CentOS, but is running fine on 3 other VPS’s, and 1 other dedicated server, seems to be flying through its tests.

The testing done thus far has shown that the memory passes the latest Memtest86 (v 3.3).

The system can sustain an install of Windows XP.

The system successfully passes Passmark’s tests, without problem (except 3D Graphics, no Direct X, but irrelevant in a Linux Server environment).

The CPU passes the CPU test, the memory passes fine, the disk drives are fine.

The system crashes around every two days in the data centre.

So, how on earth do you figure that out? I guess the next test would be to prove it can stay up for 2 days or more out of the data centre, running the software we run, but that defies the simple theory that the same setup on other machines doesn’t panic. So far, the only machine to have problems is THIS machine.

So, how do you eliminate that?

It’s got a 400W power supply, runs a Pentium D – 820, 2.8Ghz, a standard Gigabyte motherboard, 2 sticks of 1GB RAM, and a plain IDE drive (because SATA wouldn’t work).

I wonder if the issues could be related to a driver, or perhaps the NIC, or something on the network is conflicting?

I like to stick with the laws of science, because, as proven by my machine’s issues, there’s always an answer. Something is the blame for it, and the only way to get to the bottom of it, is push it. Push it to its limits. I got them to do that, and it survived the 15 minute full load PassMark Burn In Test.

That’s generally pretty conclusive that things are running fine, at full load.

So, we are stuck in the middle.

It’s not a hardware issue, because the hardware runs XP, and the tests all passed successfully.

It’s not a software issue, because the exact same software running on one machine is running on the other (no kidding, i literally installed the same software, copied all the source out of the source folders, and compiled them again, installed all software, and copied configuration and data over).

So, we’ve got a bit of an issue. It’s crashing every 2 days or so, and its not a hardware or software issue (as yet).

I’m still thinking of other ways we can get this demonstrated and proven beyond belief, and beyond belief means you can perform an action, and get it to do the same thing again. That’s what I deem conclusive. It’s like turning a light on, when the switch is on, assuming the light bulb is not faulty – “Let there be light”. Flick the switch (or don’t pay the bill), and “let there be no light”.

Think Boolean, it’s either on or off.

So, there’s an explanation for the server reboots, we’ll get to the bottom of it one way or another.

On another note, I’m getting myself a newer graphics card, to match my fiance’s FX6200, I know, probably not the best move, considering an upgrade to Dual Core can’t be too much further around the corner, but I figure, my machines still in its young time, running fine as, and still got plenty of life in it, so a replacement AGP card will bring it fully up to speed for now, and that might be as far as I go with this machine until we decide on the move to Dual Core in the middle of the year or so. Then again, I might decide against dual core, and go for the power saving benefits AMD chips have.. But I just can’t get my head around the 2.0Ghz is better, compared to 3.0Ghz+. It’s a strange way of thinking.

Computers, fascinating machines. They can be both simple, and very complex, even to the most advanced of users.

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System Error, The Solution

This issue had me running around in circles, trying to recreate the same issue many ways.

My system was BSOD’ing when I would load a game, or any full screen 3D video application.

I’m sure most IT savvy folk out there would have immediately ran straight for the one device that would be the start for investigation, the Graphics Card. I did exactly that, and no joy.

I tried swapping memory configuration today, swapping AGP cards, swapping both, so that my setup was near completely replicated on another machine, with exception of the CPU, and .. it completely passed BurnInTest (from Passmark).

Incredible. So, I couldn’t replicate it on another machine, and couldn’t rule out if my old fx5500 was the issue, or if the issue was my Gigabyte GA-8IPE775G’s motherboard, or it’s Memory slots, or my 3GB of DDR400 RAM.

Unfortunately, I wasted several hours getting to the bottom of it, but I did just that, before giving in to claims that Science wasn’t going to be the answer.

Science is always the answer. If something happens, due to an event, you can always recreate that event, and see predictable results, assuming environmental and input factors remain the same. Hint, don’t expect a computer to work, when its sitting at the top of a boiling volcano, heat would cause it to simply give up.

My issue wasn’t heat related however, I installed fantastic Zalman fans in all PC’s here, due to Windows Desktop Search running its caching program late at night one night, and that kept us awake, bloody Intel Fans. Anyway, it was immediately off with Windows Desktop Search, I’m happy to wait a few mins for a result.

Moving back onto the original issue, my issue was Power Supply related.

My system contains exactly the following:

Intel Pentium 4 630 – 3.0Ghz EM64T HT Processor (Socket 775)
Zalman Fan (I think its a 9500LED/9700LED)
Gigabyte GA-8IPE775-G Socket 775 Motherboard, 4 DDR400 RAM slots (supports 4GB), AGP 8x, SATA, etc, etc.
2 x 1GB DDR 400 Sticks of RAM in Dual Channel configuration
2 x 512MB DDR 400 sticks of RAM in Dual Channel configuration
NVIDIA FX5500 256MB AGP 8x Graphics Card
NVIDIA FX5200 128MB PCI Graphics Card
1 x 80GB Seagate IDE HDD
1 x 120GB Seagate IDE HDD
1 x 160GB Seagate SATA HDD
1 x 250GB Seagate SATA HDD (very good reason for using Seagate, they generally recover, when compared to Western Digital)
1 x Pioneer DVR-109 DVD burner
1 x Pioneer DVR-110D DVD burner
1 x Ancient Floppy Drive
400W Power Supply

Now, it runs in Windows normally, in game, it seems to not like the 400W power supply with everything running.

After giving up running around in circles, I pulled the two SATA drives power plug, and ran the same 3D test (15 minutes of BurnInTest), and viola, it passed. Plugged ’em back in, and it crashed.

Pretty conclusive :). So, off to find me a 500W power supply, I think. I know, your probably thinking, why not get a 320GB and just move to it? Performance. You aren’t bogging down one drive with a large lot of tasks when you have several drives, and backup, one fails, there might be a copy on another drive. So, I decided against moving to one drive, and just thought I’d get it the extra power.

It’s not like it’s always using its max power anyway, as Intel Processors chew more power the harder they are worked, so when it’s idle / doing bugger all, it’s using less power, when its at full load (playing a game, or anything INTENSIVE), it obviously sucks more power to fulfill that operation.

Ideally we’ll move to Dual Core when everything fits in place, and the time is right, hopefully meaning less power consumption / better performance. I don’t want to do that just yet.

Anyway, I’m just happy to have zero’ed into the power supply as the issue, it was confusing, and rather annoying to have such an issue with no idea of what’s going on.

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System Error, Kernel Panic, Linux and Windows

I’ve got two concurrent machine issues right now.

One is a Linux Server, which for the last few months has been Kernel Panic’ing every 2 days or so.

That issue is expected to be a problematic CPU, however, memory tests have come back fine, so I’m not too sure if we are gonna find it easily.

It’d only happen every 2 days or so, and this was in a data centre environment (air conditioned, etc), the system was placed on the a/c at one stage to chill the system, and it made it no more stable, however, saw the HDD temp come right down, so there might be minor temperature issues.

What I’m hoping to get happen is the system crash again, whilst its out of the racks, and that way some more testing can be done to prove its something AT fault.

Next, another weird issue, my system, a Windows 64bit (Professional) with SP2, has been crashing in game.

I would start a game, like Bus Driver (funny small game), and every time I would attempt 1 particular level, it would blue screen, no matter what. It was certain. So, what I set about doing today was to fix that issue, by narrowing it down.

Anyway, during the process, I was playing the game and sure enough, we’d get a BSOD.

The system configuration is:

Pentium 4 630, 3.0Ghz EM64T, 2MB Cache
3GB of DDR400 RAM (in a Dual Channel configuration, with 2 x 1GB, 2 x 512MB)
Gigabyte GA-8IPE775G Motherboard (socket 775, AGP 8x)
nVidia fx5500 256MB AGP Vid card
nVidia fx5200 128MB PCI Vid card
Dual LCD monitors

Some BSOD reasons excuses below:
… and so on.

So, to eliminate, and the natural thinking process kicked in here, I shot down for Video card, after running memory tests in chunks successfully the day (or so) before.

I came with this idea, take the card out of my machine, place it into my fiance’s machine, and take hers, place it in mine, and get hers to do the same thing, that’d prove the card enough for me to make a frisbee out of it.

No dice. It worked fine on hers, no hassles (aside from being an fx5500, and being slower then her fx6200 at playing the game with Maximum detail).

So, the next step was to run some 3dmark (also made some of the BSOD messages, predictably (every time)).

Nope. Just low scores (300 ish), and taking a lot of time to complete.

My system did BSOD once only with her card in my machine, but it did work fine continuously after that single BSOD, and the game ran fine, everything was fine.

As was her machine.

But there was no way she’d tolerate rubbish graphics, even if the card seems perfectly fine.

I can nearly guarantee if I started the game with that card in my machine now, I’d get a BSOD. It’s a near certainty.
Nothing else causes a BSOD as yet, everything runs perfectly fine. I stay up and running for days on end, and take it down for a few minutes at a reboot (or BSOD).

So, I’m near certain its something about the card, or the drivers, at fault, but that doesn’t explain the differences in behaviour. It runs fine on her machine.

So, digging deeper on this when I can find some more spare time for it.

But, further news. I did test the HDD freeze trick, and unfortunately, it doesn’t work. But that’s fine.
You see, when I bought that drive, I bought two. Exactly the same time, drop shipped from the same supplier, so, chances are, the other drive, at someone elses place right now, has the same PCB on the back.

I dug some more deeper on the issue, and came across a site, called, and the presentations he has on YouTube are great.

He goes on to say that most of the time, ie, 85% are software recoveries, I know this drive is beyond software. SpinRite didn’t have any luck finding it.

But his presentation goes further, to say, 10% of the remaining 15% are logic board failures. Incredible. The remaining 4% are simply head crash, and the worst situation ever, is the remaining 1% are motor failure, and motors + multiple platters equals bad news according to his video.

The good news for us is, we can recover the data off the drive, looking at that nice increased chance of it being a logic board swap.

All we have to do is basically, back up the data off that drive (unfortunately, also has Windows on it). Actually, could probably ghost it, to a new 320GB drive (payment for stealing the 120GB back), and swap its logic board over, and boot from it.

If that works well, we’ll whip the data off, and have some fantastic display items to stick in the wall unit.
If it DOESN’T work, I have my second identical drive to do a head swap in, should I decide to do it.

I only wish I can work this BSOD issue out so I can get the order in for 3 x 320GB drives, and “insert problematic part here”, and get all the issues solved (except the server, that’s pending some severe interrogation to both prove its stability, and find the cause behind the kernel panics.

I guess that’s a chunk of my time taken in just 3 seperate issues, which are complex in nature.

Computers, why couldn’t they be smart and simply say: Replace your graphics card, its crap, and its causing problems, or, take out bank 4 of RAM, its causing problems.. Speaking of Bank 4, I swapped that stick with my fiance’s as hers was 3-3-3-8, and all my sticks are 3-3-3-8, and one was 3-4-4-8, so the swap was ideally to match the timings.

Hopefully the reason behind the failures aren’t too much more complex, and the identification, and fix aren’t as difficult as this has been. It’s weird, it’s inconsistent, and breaks the theory that if its broken, it’ll perform near the same, or at least, have predictable behaviour. It doesn’t. Both machines worked fine. I couldn’t believe it. No conflicts visible, but its something.

That’s my system problems for now. Should be resolved soon!

Posted in Linux, Networking, Programming, Random | 1 Comment

Bed Shopping

Today, we decided we would set about getting ourselves a new bed, to replace an existing bed that has suffered torture from:

Us both sleeping on the sides of the bed.
Having a baby sleep in the middle, and practically push us right on the edge of the bed.

The good news for the baby is he gets the old Queen bed to himself. Can have all the space he likes.

The good news for us is we might get a good nights sleep in a bed that doesn’t suffer from springs digging into back, slats falling off, or the middle support legs falling off.

The even better news for us is the new bed from Fantastic furniture was cheaper than expected.

The better, better news for us is the bed was relatively easy to assemble, and has a relatively strong frame.

And.. there’s nothing negative to report yet, because we haven’t SLEPT on it yet, but I doubt much will be wrong with this.

I think the little one might not have issues with being put into his own bed either. It’s still in the same room as us (yeh, we JUST fit two Queen size beds in the room, they aren’t SMALL :D), just incase he wakes up and starts looking, but he did seem relatively happy to have his own bed to sleep in, jump on, etc.

Also, when we ran the costs for the bed, getting a new single bed, mattress, and a new mattress for the Queen bed was actually a lot more expensive compared to simply letting him have the Queen size bed.

I guess the more prominent issues that arise are:

We’ve got little room in this house to place him in his own room.
One room is the bedroom, the other room is specifcally packed with bags yet to be sorted through, and other equipment. The bags plan to be turned into containers stacked on top of each other, but still wouldn’t meet the ability of being a bedroom, and another room is pretty much the room where all the activity occurs with 1’s and 0’s.

So, there’s not a lot of room for a bedroom for him, that might be something we have to work out later on, still remain unsure of how we’d even come close to solving that one.

We did also look at new lounge chairs at Fantastic Furniture. They’ve got some fantastic deals.

2 x 2 seater lounges for $600. That’s a steal.

Look at the “commercial” shops for example, Cap’n Snooze: Better take the VISA. Forty Winks: Better take the MasterCard as well. They are ridiculously expensive, when compared to Fantastic Furniture – for no obvious reason..

Anyway, buying a new bed was a detailed decision, involving through inspection of both mattress and bed base, as well as talking to the other shop where we got the other bed from originally (amazingly, the prices of that bed have dropped, and the deal was better, but we’ve already experienced their ‘quality’).

So, the things to check: Does it use Posture slats? If so, does the middle bar, and its feet seem solid (take it out, I did, and looked at a few things, mainly, the feet weren’t gonna fall off (the others did), that the design was to support the middle bar, and not simply have it resting on it (so, look at a rectangle that goes over the middle bar), and basically look at the general quality of that. It’s the part that really stuffed the other bed up big time, with slats coming out in the middle of the night, and all sorts of issues.

Aside from that, take it for a test, this might require your partner as well (hey, you can try before you buy, right?), and see if its comfortable.

Don’t buy big brand name mattresses, the cheapest mattress (that isn’t foam) will remain as comfortable as any other mattress after it has aged, the difference between most of them is the spring system in the mattress, but that doesn’t make much of a difference when you have > 60kgs on the bed, and pushing down on springs. Sure, the design of it might play a factor, but you’ll wear them down eventually, and that new 1500.00 matrress is basically the same as any old 200.00 mattress, so get the cheapest.

I do have to say that in general, quality from Fantastic Furniture (we bought a Futon and a Chair from them before) has been “average”. The Futon (whilst shouldn’t be used as a lounge chair) as become a little more problematic, the bottom breaking away, and the bars on the front have previously annoyed the little one.

And my chair has had the wheels on the casters come off.. numerous times, so many times so, that I’m sure I’ve only got two of the original castors on the chair now, swapping them with castors from a cheap KMart chair purchased a fair while ago.

So, as you can see, they aren’t a superb quality of furniture from previous experiences (at least from usage of the chair), but I did think they deserved a shot for bedding.

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Freeze a HDD ? Will it work?

We have a HDD here that has some data that we consider relatively valuable, and I want to recover it.

The data was borked a fair while ago, when the last house we were at probably got hit by a surge, or lightning, or a bit of P2P perhaps.

Either way, the data is on it, it’s great. But we don’t want to lose our data, or all the cash in our wallets to get it done ($900 – $3000!!).

Anyway, I’ve spoken to my mate, maty, who does fantastic graphical designs, and discovered something.

He claims, you can freeze a hard drive in a zip lock bag, and you can run the drive for a good while to get data off it.
Google backs up his claim.
Maty also has some borked drives, and has removed the internals and got a drive working before.

So, what I plan to do is exactly that.
First, verify each drive is screwed. This will be done by booting, confirming clicking, and similar symptoms, followed by:

A test to confirm freezing works. Freeze for four hours, and copy around 300MB + of data from the drive.

A second test, to confirm internal swapping works, will be to swap the internals of the one drive, with the other, and continue a data recovery.

A third test, with the real media planned to be recovered, and this will be a frozen test only for a 4 hour test, as has been proven by many others.

Once testing has proven it valid, or otherwise, I’ll update here with exactly the process to do it, and how long it runs for, what the performance is like and so on.

Interestingly, the data recovery companies want to charge through the roof to surgically remove them in a 100 proof clean room or something like that.

Maty, claims to have done one in a standard room.

Whilst I want to approach this with caution, and will do (hence paying for broken HDDs), I don’t want to lose any of the data on that drive, so I’ll obviously treat this cautiously, and with a bail out the option, but on the plus side, if this works, then its of great benefit to those who have data, that isn’t financially valuable, but still carries equivilent values.

We simply can’t afford to spend money on recovering the data, it’s sat in my draw for a while now, and it came up in conversation, and fantastically enough, maty is very much useful. A fantastic person indeed, who time and time again is fantastic for information (just as is Google).

I always assumed clicking drive = borked, but with this information at hand, well, clicking drive = freezer / get the toolbox!

NOTICE: Recovering data using any methods exposed can cause severe data loss, just keep that in mind before you even attempt anything that is discovered, if in doubt, practice first. If in doubt, pay up or experiment with other drives experiencing the same symptoms.

If you cannot find a drive with same symptoms, make one. Generally a throw from the roof of a large apartment building should do it (and void the warranty at the same time, solving the other problem).

On that note, I love a good technical challenge, so I do hope this works, and more to it, I think it’ll be fun!

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Copper Network Sale

New Zealand Telecom is looking toward selling its copper network rather than facing a regulatory split.

That’s an interesting move, they don’t get regulated, and they get a lot of cash for a copper network, as most copper networks are monopoly networks (and thus avoiding duplication of expensive copper networks, and digging the sidewalks up for new connections).

I’m thinking that perhaps they should have done this with the copper network (and other monopoly infrastructure) prior to Telstra sale.

Just think where we’d be now. One monopoly, wholesale only provider, providing telecommunications, Telstra being a retail “wannabe”, and a heap of competition driving prices low.

Now, if that was done, we’d be looking at things differently, compared to where we are now, with Telstra wanting to roll out FTTN at inflated prices just to keep a monopoly, rather than compete.

Actually, if you look at Bigpond / Telstra in comparison to a lot of others, they don’t seem prepared to compete in retail at all, and simply enjoy milking the monopoly.

Bigpond isn’t competitive, the only reason they have customers is because of the fact they have a brand name, or the cable networks.

Given the option, and the real facts, customers would more certainly look at the picture differently, and probably say NO to Bigpond.

They don’t get to see all this until after they are with Bigpond, and that means they’ve become a Bigpond victim.

Cable subscribers are generally happier, although the plans are not as great with Cable, the offering is different, no port blocking of port 80 inbound, for example, but they also meter uploads, which is a minus to simply routing port 80 via port 9010 for example.

And of course, they don’t offer many incentives compared to Optus, with the exception of the monopoly network they have.

Back to the copper network, if it was auctioned / sold off to a infrastructure provider, we’d be ranked a lot higher on OECD, probably consider 256k as the less expensive dial up, and have a booming online economy by bringing more IT services online.

Just think of the possibilities if we all had fast net connections, you could literally run your own slow traffic webserver from home, at the same time as be on a VoIP call, and have the kids watching live streaming, and those bandwidth hungry torrents running smoothly.

All that would have been possible with a bit more thought in place from the government. Without that thought, you know, what happens when Telstra is privatised, and kicks up a backlash against us for regulation, what do they do?

They simply should of stopped retail, or sold the core network, or kept it in government control, and maintenance.

By not doing so, the Howard government has screwed Australians. The plan they come up with to fix it had want to be good, otherwise Labor are in, easy. At this moment, they have my vote, depending on what Coonan decides to demonstrate that she is a clear leader when put beside Conroy, who is both a thinker, but at the same time, a fool (he has been proven to be uninformed before).

I want faster net access, and someone’s gonna bring it. Whoever is gonna get it to me fast, cheap, and with competition should remain the front runner. The G9 might be a little slow with the looks of funding and the rollout coverage, but the end result is COMPETITION, and INNOVATION. That’s drool worthy.

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iiNet New Plans: Shocking, OzVoIPStatus changes

iiNet’s value for money continues to be diluted as the company gathers more customers.

The newer plans from iiNet offer very poor value, and aren’t really that competitive. But they are still better compared to Telstra, and that’s a bonus all over.

I guess they might be playing the “Brand name” card, considering they’ve got themselves well known in various areas, for example, a while ago, we had a bank issue, went to the bank, and the lady who served us also said she was with iiNet.

Well, we are no longer with them, they shafted me on customer service once, but the new plans were something I was waiting on to see if value improved for the remaining 2 customers that are to move away from iiNet the moment contracts are finished and the market shows a little more certainty on where the better deals are going to be for faster speeds.

On an unrelated note, OzVoIPStatus just got some sections smashed out of it. I know, it looks.. minimalistic, and poor (the provider pages) at the moment, but that’s not entirely intentional, as I plan to basically figure out a new layout for that page, and some better data to place there, in a more logical manner.

The idea would be to basically list them as a “Provider” and not just highlight their monitoring statistics (though the sites original intention was to be solely statistics, I’ve been wanting to, and have been branching it out).

Unfortunately, finding time to smack code together in a straight row involves a few things:

1. Finding time to actually do it.
2. Remembering when I have time to do it.
3. Figuring out the path for it.
4. Actually doing it.

Now, by the time I get to number 2, there’s something else shoved in my face, and whilst my editor remains open to continue work on that section, opening it, and continuing work on it sometimes goes waiting for a while, as I work on other tasks.

For example, a task I just got stuck back into today, was a task I started .. a while back, I think the month was December, and the year wasn’t 2006 – i think.

Anyway, it’s been idle for sometime, and recently the priority of that task moved to 1, and that’s what I got stuck into :).

The good news for OzVoIPStatus is I do have a feature ready to release (i think), I simply need to upload, and obviously create a page outlining how to use it, I can then go back to the other feature, and the other set of features I still have in mind for the site. It’s intended to be continually updated, however, I can’t seem to set aside the time for it constantly.

I’m also waiting on some fantastic data from one of the nice Aussie providers on the list, and hopefully that data will kick off yet another set of features.

I’ll also have to sit down and finish checking which providers are actually online (have visible servers), and add those, and it doesn’t stop there, I have to go and check all the Plan Search data, and compile a new set of plan search data for all providers (now the list is more … extensive) and get those plans searchable.

Oh, someone asked a bit back why ISPhone was no longer monitored: They emailed me and asked. I posted a news story about that. They claim to be primarily wholesale, and would rather not be monitored.
Can’t monitor them if they aren’t willing, don’t really want to annoy any companies out there!

On that note now, expect more, a lot more, just when I get around to it.

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Tell The Truth Telstra

What a fantastic site from the competitors (and wholesalers) of Telstra.

Love the title: Tell The Truth Telstra.

Good luck with that one. Probably have more luck finding people to work for free to install fibre cable, compared to getting them to say anything remotely close to the truth.

The FTTN network proposed by SpeedReach does the following, that Telstra’s does not:

* Keeps Regulation intact.
* Maintains competition, and enhances it.
* Looks after Australian Consumers better interests.
* Reinvests the profits made to enhance, extend and innovate the network.

Those are fantastic points for the network.

Look at history as well.
iiNet / Internode: Released ADSL2+. Optus did so also in 2005. Telstra is turning on its ADSL2+ DSLAMs (slowly) at exchanges where competitors have ADSL2+. Taking the even safer approach also, Telstra gives the competitors a nice head start. Telstra doesn’t even offer it, for near 1 month or more after the exchange is enabled.

Time for the competitors to milk the slow period for all its worth, roll out DSLAMs, get them online, advertise targetting that community, with cheaper, faster, better value, broadband, without length contracts, or short quotas, or expensive overusage charges.

That should build a LARGER customer base, and more to it, increase the footprint of ADSL2+ ISPs to a point where they pose a bigger threat, to a point where Telstra having FTTN means they lose access to customers, and therefore, have a stronger case to plead.

A better idea, by that idiot, Alan Kohler, was this:

The government puts the rights to the building of an FTTN network up for auction, the winner of the auction is the bidder with the lowest wholesale monthly price, thus ensuring cheap, fast broadband for Australian consumers, and not ONLY that, it ensures that innovation kicks in, because there’s no way Telstra will be stepping in for a low wholesale bid, Telstra Wholesale won’t be one of its most profitable companies, will it.. They won’t be milking Australian consumers, and Australian small businesses for all the possible profits they can make.

The idea is good. They could add contractual conditions that come with the rights, for example, the rights include extending the network to 95% of Australia within 5 – 10 years, for example.

The advantage of the SpeedReach / G9 FTTN is that the initial information states its competition friendly (they don’t retail), the network would be maintained and innovated, because they won’t have greedy pigs behind the administration of it.

The incentives here from the SpeedReach / G9 FTTN idea are all fantastic, and the plan is sound.

I don’t see why Telstra would be a clear leader, except for the fact they are threatening to sue if the G9 are allowed to seize copper wire from Telstra, thus cutting their services, and running those services from the node.

The issue here for Telstra is clear, they are threatened. The G9 consortium could be given access to freely walk into Telstra exchanges, tear out the copper, run some fibre, and charge Telstra for access.

Though, a clear point here, Telstra WERE invited to participate in the FTTN network, and own a share of it.

They chose not to, and declined, likely because they want the Trade Practices Act rewritten, and by holding everything in a deadlock (the copper network, refusing to release a FTTN network, limiting ADSL2+ and ADSL1 to certain exchanges or certain speeds) all suggests that this is the goal. They want to fight and put the government in an uncomfortable position in an election year, but they didn’t run the math properly: 1.6 million shareholders, 20 million Australian’s. You are sort of outnumbered there. And with Tell The Truth Telstra revealing facts, and hopefully getting some share of promotion from other websites, They could indeed inform the uninformed, and therefore swing the opinion / rig the election so to speak.

The goal here for them is to have some supporters, so much so that instead of Telstra having any active supporters, we all see a heap of T4 Active Supporters, supporting the release of truthful information, without the deceitful misinformation, and guidance done by Telstra, and it’s propaganda website, Now We Are Talking.

So, here’s a link in support of competition, Australian consumers, Australian small business, Australian ISPs, and the Australian economy: Tell The Truth Telstra. Support Australia, withhold those dollars from the foreign ran, and foreign shareholders at Telstra, and keep them in Australia, support Australian ISPs, take your services away from Telstra (except your landline, $19.95 Homeline Budget), get VoIP, and rip those dollars away from them further.

The more uncomfortable, and the more squished into a corner they are, the more they will be forced to compete.

Those shareholders might hang Sol if he doesn’t bring them a return, so let’s put them in that position, to hang him, if anything, to support Australian owned, and Ran businesses, like iiNet, and Internode, who care about the communications infrastructure, and who don’t just look after shareholders, but the competition also.

Tell The Truth Telstra.

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DD-WRT impresses again!

A while ago I posted how I was really annoyed with D-Link, and I moved our traffic to the DD-WRT (using a Linksys WRT54GL).

I’m running the BETA version of DD-WRT, and looking through it, this firmware package just gets better and better.

They’ve removed Samba, and swapped to CIFS (common internet file system), which is more flexible anyway, as it allows better connection of Network Attached Storage devices, and the like.

This was relatively new to the featureset, and did take a bit of digging to get setup correctly, so I’ll help by posting the settings you need for connecting (not easy to find):

In the Administration > Management tabs, at the very bottom, enable Common Internet File System
In share name, type in server and share names.

For the example, your server is at IP “” and the share is named “Greedy”.
In the share name, you would enter:

In the Username field, for Samba (linux machines), enter the username you would connect as. This example is assuming the username ‘nobody’
In the username field, you would enter:

If you have a Windows box, named slowbox, the situation SHOULD be a little different, I assume you would enter:

In the password field, use some common sense in setting up a common internet file system, and enter the password.

Start scripts are only necessary if you need to get some actions performed to start sharing. This isn’t necessary for Samba in my case.

Save settings, and when the router has finished saving settings, if all is right, you should see the line below display total / free space.

This exciting feature would allow for a multiude of features.
Custom Application Development, and dynamic system extension / configuration, among other things.

But wait, just when you thought this router was too good, they throw in yet more.

Bandwidth monitoring, a feature still in development in the router, is bandwidth monitoring, but that’s fine, another feature I’m eyeing off is rstats, which should log stats to my samba share every hour for later analysis and peicing together for monitoring.

It also features RFlow / Macupd, but I don’t really want to set those up if the rstats feature will provide me all the information I need.

I plan to make some RRD graphs up, and display some great stats!

I’m entirely impressed with this software, and it’s still in BETA, so, there is plenty more to be going ahead.

Oh, it’s open source too, so if I find the time, I might pull it apart, and remove some of the features, and add a feature to disable the wireless radio, as well as a few other custom ideas i’ve got going locally.

It’d be good to see development of consumer routers like this take some ground. The DD-WRT software seemingly is maintained by a German developer, who seems to have pulled a few apart and got to know them intimately. If Linksys put this sort of software out for their own retail routers, they’d be in a new grade of consumer networking!

Anyway, that’s all for now, I’ve got some great enhancements for OzVoIPStatus coming soon, must stop configuring already configured router, and get to finishing those features!

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Broadband FTTN Points

Points to both sides of the Fibre-to-the-node argument:

Telstra’s FTTN plan:
* Is approaching 2 years old.
* Will affect competition for providers who have rolled out their own DSLAMs
* Will reproduce the same scenario a lot of ISPs have now, trying to compete on price, but Telstra raise the bar.
* Has a multi-billion dollar company behind it
* Offers speeds up to 100Mbps to around 50% of the population
* Doesn’t require taking the copper back from Telstra, and rebilling them for it
* Has a company that has experience behind it with networks
* Is being proposed by a company that does its best to disable competition
* Is being proposed by a company that limited, and still does limit the speeds of the technology to speeds it sees fit
* Has minimal government support, due to requests for regulations to be removed
* Is bring proposed by a company that doesn’t innovate unless competition drives it to
* Doesn’t have Australian consumers best interest’s at heart (no matter what they spin)

G9’s FTTN plan:
* Is around 18 months old
* Will affect competition for providers who have rolled out their own DSLAMs
* Will lower prices
* Won’t raise the bar for ISPs, as they have no conflict of interest
* Will promote more competition
* Doesn’t have a multi billion dollar company behind it (yet)
* Doesn’t have speeds decided, but it is assumed ADSL2+ at a minimum, therefore, 24Mbps to most users
* Requires taking copper from Telstra (compulsory acquisition, however, a lawsuit will be likely from Telstra)
* Has Optus behind it, as well as several other ISPs, with general experience with rolling out networks
* Is being promoted by a group of companies that likes to promote competition for the sake of filling unused ports
* Is being promoted by a group of companies that consist of providers that were the FIRST to install ADSL2+ and Microwave tower networks to Regional SA, and hasn’t limited the speeds of technology where the price was right
* Is being proposed by companies that were first to the market with other technologies
* Requires ‘reasonable’ changes to Regulation to prevent over build (asset / investment protection)
* Is being proposed by companies that took risks in the face of a large monopoly
* Has fought against the monopoly for years, and still does, to gain some competition ground
* Has both innovation and Australian consumers better interests at heart

If that’s not enough, some more pointers:

Telstra charge $56+ ex GST, excluding other costs, to lease a simple 8Mbps ADSL1 port to ISPs.
Optus charge less than $49.95, inc GST, inc other costs, to lease a ADSL2+ port, with absolutely no restrictions to ISPs

Telstra retail ADSL2+, with a total of 25GB of data (and with a fast connection, you need that extra data to enjoy it) for: $129.95
Optus retail ADSL2+, with a total of 60GB of data (with a fast connection, you need that data to really, really, enjoy it) for: $69.95

That’s a BIG 50% difference, with more value, faster speeds, and no hassle.

Some lines Bigpond like to use when asked:
Our Network is stable.
We have Free content.
We are Australian.

Ok, but, so is Optus’s network, considering it’s also available Wholesale to other ISPs, with no complaints.
Optus also have Free content, actually, a reseller of Optus ports, Netspace, has Free PIPE traffic as well on selected plans.
Umm, after T3, you are owned by every man and his dog who thought you’d be worth buying. That includes several multinationals. You are also being run by USA CEOs. Telstra, you are no longer ‘Australian’. You rip off ‘Australians’ with highway robbery prices, and continually abuse your monopoly position.

Telstra had a few ways to go about the face of competition, rather than innovate and embrace it for all the good dollars it brings (Telstra Wholesale is one of Telstra’s largest profit earners, so they aren’t selling below cost, or where’s the profit come from?), they decided to stifle it, reduce it, plug it, and the Australian economy, and basically create expensive services for those that can’t get faster services elsewhere, because they couldn’t work with competition.

If you look at the many webhosting companies around the world, most are working with another provider, who resell their network capacity to them. That provider could literally annoy the crap out of the customers on the other provider, and encourage more sales by doing so, they don’t. They work together, and enjoy the profits they make from both angles.

Why didn’t Telstra simply focus on innovation, and infrastructure wholesale, and basically create a fair play market? Oh, that’s right, the businesses they sell extremely overpriced services to would move to other services which are cheaper.

But, in the face of the current competition, they don’t really have much to go with now, most businesses can get by easily on an Internode ADSL2+ Annex M connection, for a lot less dollars too.

It’s pretty much a catch 22 for Telstra, work with it, and the competitiors price you out of the market, work against it, and you near ruin the Australian economy by pricing everyone out of it, or not innovating to bring newer technology to those that might use it best.

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New Linux Idea

When I’m duplicating a setup to another box, I tend to want to have things done with minimal interaction from me.

For Windows Systems, you have Ghost, you simply ghost an image, and viola, you can duplicate it to as many machines as you like. You can’t do that with Linux.

But, sometimes you don’t want to copy everything either, so, when you only want to copy configuration information for everything on the system, how do you go about that?

Unfortunately, it’s not easy.

You have to fish out configuration files for each application, so to name a few:
VSFTPD: /etc/vsftpd/
Dovecot: /etc/dovecot.conf & /usr/local/etc/dovecot
HTTPD: /etc/httpd/conf.d/
MySQL: /etc/my.cnf
PHP: /etc/php.ini

.. and every other select service, like Postfix, has its configuration SOMEWHERE.

Wouldn’t it be best if all those configuration files were in a place that meant duplication simply meant “yum install ” and of course, scp -r -p /server1/config-files /server2/config-files?

Thus, setting up the same system on another system would be made simple, you’d still have to move user data, like Mail, Databases, web pages, but of course, you wouldn’t have to go fishing for config files, they’d all be in the one place, and ready to go.

Further, why can’t you simply fetch applications from the other server and keep them intact? If I patch an application, I have to get the source and patch, apply the patch, compile, make, make install (and install devel packages that might not already be installed), just to get things running on another box.

It’s a royal pain, compared to what you have with Windows, generally you team a heap of installs together, install, install, install, reboot, repeat. It’s certainly more simple compared to the method of duplicating the configuration on a linux server, which sucks down a lot of time.

So, going one better than Windows, for Linux, the idea would be to have a Configuration, Data, and Settings Transfer, where anything that’s not standard, or sourced from yum is transferred, and anything from yum, simply add to the yum list, and .. yum install it.

Maybe they could instead have a rolling log of actions taken with server software, and that can be turned into a script on another server, execute it, and viola, system duplicated. That’d make things a lot easier for many people.
Think of companies like DreamHost for example, running a lot of web servers, samba servers, ftp servers, mysql servers, mail servers, and so forth.

Jobs would be made much easier with some drop in for duplicating the configuration of one to another. I’m sure there are other solutions, maybe compiling a distro which groups all configuration together, a little different to this:


.. and so forth.

Why not have /config/ ? All config files go there. That’d be a big help, but only solve half the issue, the other, larger part is compiling and making software, because the CentOS repo has older versions of Software, like RRDTool, for example, I like 1.2+, not 1.0.50.
I’m sure a change or some system could be developped, if not already to assist duplicating system configuration!

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Standards Ignorance.

One disappointment with many products is failure to stick to standards.

Nearly every system you look at is ATX. They are either mini, midi or maxi. Generally, midi.

They all are the same size however, to accomodate different hardware, for example, in a mini ATX you can stick in a IDE disk. in a midi ATX, you can stick in an IDE disk, and so forth.

Unfortunately, companies think they can go better, and not stick to standards. One such case is a recent issue involving a box that doesn’t have the room for a second disk, and not only that, the CD drive is 1cm thick (thin), and the system is basically not suitable for upgrading.

Why can’t they stick to standards? Nearly every other manufacturer can adhere to standards, they don’t need to squish things down worse than the fat kid at McDonald’s who flattens your burger, by whatever means possible.

It’s a waste of time, and an inconvienience when you look at it in comparison to placing other hardware in the same area with it, for example, having a smooth, rounded top, therefore, nothing can get stacked on top of it, and being a different width, thus not stacking in a good way on the side, taking up a different space area.

They are a pain in the butt really.

Standards exist for a reason, so that someone else can pull it up, or others can develop to it, and not have to worry about satisfying the specs of other machines that might be too little, or too big.

Can you imagine if an IDE drive was available in several different sizes? You would fit some in your case, others you’d need a hacksaw for, and others you’d need a bit of filler to fill the loose space.

Manufacturers that don’t stick to standards exist primarily to satisfy a group of users (minimal) that want small, different style hardware. Good luck upgrading that to something newer, near impossible.
Good luck stacking that in a group of machines, it’ll either be too high, or too small for one allocated space, and require half the next space (therefore wasting that next space).

Pretty pointless to differentiate yourself from standards. Be unique, but not at the expense of ignoring standards.
Same applies to web designers / HTML coders. W3C didn’t put those hours of effort in just so you can ignore them and play with your balls, the standards are there for a reason.

Take a look at – hardly standards compliant, and more to the point, who needs a clock on a webpage, when you have one in your start bar for Windows users, or in your applet for linux / mac users?!

Standards. Please follow them.

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Telstra – Second Line Installations – Just how much

Telstra have certain charges.

For example:

$59 – Connection Fee to connect an inplace operational connection at a previously lived in residence.
$125 – Connection Fee to connect an existing line, where there is work required to be done on the connection to bring about a working service.
$200+ – Connection fee to get a second line installed.

Now, here are the processes involved in MOST of those jobs, keeping in mind that the post isn’t intended to be attacking the technicians doing the work, but more to it, the charges being charged by Telstra.

Further, keep in mind the work behind this is relatively simple, requiring little more than joining copper wire, and attaching fittings to the customer premise.

And more to it, Telstra have claimed repeatedly that the copper network it proudly claims ownership of, has been paid for back to taxpayers via dividends multiple times.

The work involved:
Connection at an previously lived in residence with dial tone:
Enter data into its system to assign a telephone number to that cable, and further data entry into the accounting system. The work is done by computers, no physical work involved in most cases, simply behind the scenes data entry and configuration.

Connection at a place where work is required to supply the service:
Figure out where the fault with connection is on the cable path and correct it. Most cases this couldn’t take more than 1 hour, by simply identifying where the pairs join together, and verifying the cable at the point of connection, and the exchange.
Some work may be required, like opening a pillar, and unattaching, reattaching and testing power / line signal at various points, so some knowledge of the pillar might be required.

Connection of a second line:
Attach the second pair of the copper wire to the cable path, and attach the cable pair to the exchange, recording details of the cable joins (if needed).
Visit customer premise, find the point of interconnection, and split the second pair already in the cable off to a new socket.

As you can see, the work involved doesn’t have a HIGH cost, or a VERY HIGH level of expertise, the work is not so difficult, but more so, requires thought, and due care (as does many jobs).

So, without devaluing the technician’s who do a job of keeping the infrastructure running, how much does Telstra really need to charge for a second line, considering the infrastructure is paid for, and the work isn’t HIGHLY skilled.

I’d expect to pay a skilled mechanic more than a line technician (simply, they can’t believe they are worth $200+ for one hours work).

And before anyone jumps in and says its to cover the costs of maintaining the line, what on earth does Line Rental go to?

I somewhat doubt the charges reflect the true costs. Sure, the work is not entirely cheap, but seriously.. $59 for data entry? I wish I got paid that much for a 15 minute phone call..

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ACCC loses court battle

The ACCC served a competition notice against Telstra in relation to expensive wholesale line rental, that it had deemed as anti – competitive (and rightly so too). This notice was served in April last year, after Telstra raised the line rental price by $3.10 for wholesale.

The ACCC removed that notice in early March due to changing regulatory circumstances, makes sense, if the environment changes, and the notice is no longer applicable, the notice should definitely no longer stand.

Telstra seemingly continued the case through to the Federal Court, at that point in time, Telstra informed Broadband News Website, Whirlpool, “It was disturbing [that] the ACCC could get it so wrong”, obviously disagreeing with the notice, and indicating that a possible misunderstanding was going on.

The Federal Court today ruled that the notice itself was invalid, because the ACCC didn’t follow procedure. That’s probably a valid point, all too often we can see government departments outgoing, not following procedure, but anything inbound to any department follows procedure (sometimes lengthy, and full of red tape), or it doesn’t get done.

So, because the ACCC didn’t contact Telstra, as they are apparently supposed to, prior to issuing a competition notice, the notice was deemed invalid.

I think the ACCC might have followed due procedure, because the breach was with regard to the “charging of higher prices for wholesale, then is available retail” provisions, which basically gives immediate grounds for a notice to ANY company.

However, the mixup, or the technicality, is being abused by Telstra’s nowwearetalking website as leverage, taking it completely out of context.

The regulations themselves were most likely sound, the procedure followed with issuing the notice was NOT followed, and that’s all the issue was. Even consulting with Telstra and following procedure at that point in time, I’m sure that the notice would have stood, until the ACCC removed it.

I guess they do need to take a bit more care in issuing notices, and follow procedures, not just so they don’t get flack like this, but so it really sticks to Telstra after they pay lawyers to fight it, only to go back to the same judge, and be told to.. well, pay up.

Telstra like to spin anything so they seem like the good guys, but they are demanding 27% return on an FTTN network, that other providers aren’t demanding, which means that well, cheaper prices for consumers with faster internet connections, as is the case now with ADSL2+. Go anywhere but Telstra, and your net connection contains more value, at a cheaper price.

Telstra are money hungry pigs, and the more people that find that out, and start looking at alternatives, the better off we all will eventually be. They might fight by rising prices, but a fat load of good that’s gonna be when they have no customers to raise prices too.. It should promote the exact opposite, lower prices, faster speeds, more innovation, better value.

Our current broadband sucks, unless you have ADSL2+, which means you live in a capital city, or large metro area, in which case, your doing pretty good!

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Linksys routers with DD-WRT firmware

Having issues with my D-Link DGL-4300 4 Port Gigabit Router with 108Mbps wireless, QoS, etc, and contacting D-Link to arrange for investigation of the issue resulting in replies that aren’t all too useful in helping the problem get resolved, I set about removing the dependance on the D-Link router, and replace it with something a little more.. open, has QoS that works, and won’t drop the WAN connection because a packet decided to rub it the wrong way.

My search ended in our storeroom, a Linksys WRT54GL running DD-WRT, which I had put away after a recent networking test I was undertaking.

I configured the device, and couldn’t get it to play nice.

One of the issues with the DD-WRT firmware is some of the time (and a bit more), you’ll try and get something disabled, or something activated, or something reconfigured, and it just won’t do it properly.

For example, one issue was getting online. I configured the device, gave it a range of settings I assumed would be the ideal for my connection, unfortunately, we couldn’t get online. So, I reset the device to defaults, and configured only the internet connection. It worked!

So, with that running finally, and to get the VoIP calls happening again, I connected the LAN of DGL-4300 to the LAN port of the DD-WRT, and reconfigured the device, giving the internet connection a static IP and disabling all the features in the device that would be made redundant as a result of the new, – but cheaper-, and more superior device. Back online, still got to configure QoS, disable wireless, configure UPnP, port forwarding, and so forth.

Another feature that has issues is wireless. I wanted it disabled, not just the network, but the radio as well. I tried digging through the DD-WRT interface in several areas to turn off that 28mW (changeable to 215mW) wireless radio.

It just couldn’t be found. So I dug around on Google and discovered that the configuration of the wireless from the web interface is done with a command called ‘wl’, which is also the kernel module.

So, logic says, remove the kernel module, no more wireless. Nope, remove the module as ‘rmmod wl’ and you get a orange flashing Power light. So probably OK to leave as that, but rather annoying. I tried: wl radio off, a command to turn the radio off. Worked. For about 30 seconds or so, and it came back on again.

The search was not at an end, I wasn’t going to leave the wireless running, so I worked out a better method, here it is for those with a wireless WRT54GL that they no longer want wireless (for now):

wl radio off
wl down
rmmod wl

And viola, wireless gone. What it does? Turns off wireless radio, takes the wireless driver down, and rmmod wl removes the kernel module for wireless to prevent it from loading (a program would need to insmod wl to get the system to load it, but that would likely spark a reboot, thus causing the reboot script (read below) to kick in and boot it off anyway).

To prevent it from auto starting again in a reboot, simply add the commands above to the Commands interface.

Login to the web interface.
Click Administration
Click Commands
Paste the commands into the box.
Click Save Reboot.

What that will do is when the device is rebooted, those commands are executed, and that nukes wireless capabilities from the device.

The device has a heap of flaws when you look at it from the configuration angle, with reboots and unexpected behaviour, however, for an Open Source effort, this has to be one of the better projects I have seen, it’s Fantastic. A great group of features built into a device. Install yum and some way of dynamically removing and adding modules to the firmware, and of course, network attaching storage to read files and the like, and the device shows itself even more powerful.

Imagine one of those NAS devices that are about, and having enough RAM to run a torrent client for example, or enough room to configure a webserver, and point the files at the NAS device, you would be able to host websites on the router! How cool would that be!

The project has a lot of promise, and has a lot of features under the hood. Essentially, you get a $400+ dollar router, for around $120+, and a bit of time adding the firmware. Oh, and you void your warranty too, so find any issues with the Linksys firmware first, if an issue exists, get it replaced prior to putting the new firmware on.

Documentation is a little on the poor side for any newbie users, who might see the features and run, but a little bit of notepad should fix that.

A heap of features exist under the hood, like:

Local DNS
DHCP Server and DHCP Forwarding
Supports Daylight savings configurations, and is rather simple.
DynDNS updater that actually checks if the DynDNS needs an update, rather than sending one anyway.
Advanced Routing Features
VLANs (and Tagging!)
Wireless Client, Wireless Repeater, Wireless Repeater Bridge, Wireless Access Point, Wireless Client Bridge, and it can also Wireless Adhoc, and it doesn’t stop there…. It also supports WDS!
Radius Auth for wireless, as well as WPA-PSK and WPA2 (-PSK).
SPI Firewall, and it’s configurable to a high degree, as well as turning logging off (something the D-Link falls heaps short on).
It’ll block ActiveX, Cookies, and all that junk.
VPN – It’ll connect PPTP, as well as passthrough.
Access Policies that’ll lock the kids out to next year if you want to.
Port Range Forwarding
Port Forwarding
Management has heaps of features, like SSH, Telnet, Cron (no kidding), Remote Access, JFFS2 and CIFS mounting!, Overclocking .. and more.

Wireless Hotspot! – No kidding
It supports Sputnik, ChilliSpot and WiFiDog, as well as HTTP / SMTP redirection!

DHCP Client
Can connect to a remote server for DHCP Server configuration
PPTP Server and PPTP Client
Flow monitoring and Bandwidth monitoring
I said SSH, right?
It also has Keep Alive features for checking the connection is alive!
Reboot Schedular, fantastic, ISP can shape you, and you might have to reboot to get unshaped? Well, there you go. Schedule a reboot when you are shaped for the next day you are unshaped, and problem taken care of. Can also use cron to do that.
WDS Watchdog – monitors WDS and regains links to WDS APs
Command shell for executing commands
Here’s a cool feature: WOL. Wake your machines up from a router, handy if your out and about, have remote management on, and a PC Is off. WOL can turn it on, port forwarding gives you the ports you need, and viola.

You can also monitor connections, and view connection attempts (something the D-Link can show as well).

The dynamic Web interface is something that is really fantastic.

Anyway, the D-Link issues I am having are a pain in the rear, as well, the QoS seemed to be confusing at most, with JavaScript used to verify settings are correct, and even it is coded poorly (you select Any), it saves with any, add a new rule after saving with Any, and try and Save, and you get You must have a protocol selected, I do, it’s ANY.

The hardware manufacturers can really learn a Lot from the DD-WRT crew, who have put together a fantastic peice of work, that can only be described as network bliss.

On that note, I’m going to shorten off from here, before this post takes up all the RAM in your PC.

If you are having issues with your router, not happy with performance, or finding VoIP or other technologies fade below after being munched out at by P2P, you need a DD-WRT router. That is, a Linksys WRT54G / GS / GL and a few others now too. Any one of those is fine, get it configured right, and you’ll be as happy as this blog post is.

Fantastic work, from an open source team. Congratulations on such a fine production!

Posted in Networking | 1 Comment

Telstra talking of FTTN .. again

Under recent threat from the proposal of the Labor party to peer with the private sector, Telstra have again bought their FTTN proposal back to the table for further consideration.

Telstra originally stopped talks around it’s FTTN network after they couldn’t get the ACCC to agree with their impression of adequate ROI (and frankly, I don’t see anyone but shareholders agreeing with Telstra ROI).

I don’t see any problem with anyone making some money. It’s what makes the world turn, however, even I don’t charge through the roof on jobs that I can. Why? Because the better interests are not in stealing peoples money, but rather, helping people succeed.

Now that ‘helping people succeed’ factor seems to be integrated in Labor’s idea, as well as in the G9 idea by allowing competitors access to the network for a minimum fee to fund infrastructure growth, research and development, and obviously a bit on the side (as everyone wants).

Unfortunately, Telstra don’t seem to want to ‘help people succeed’ or ‘make life easier’ for anyone but it’s shareholders. They don’t care for consumers. That’s obvious with their excessive ROI demands, and the long fight against the Australian government, who really, should just ignore it. I for one expect them to. And when they whinge at the next government, I would expect them to ignore that to.

Ignore Telstra. They have nothing worthwhile to say from what I have been reading on their Trash talking “NowWeAreTalking” website.

In fact, they pay out Optus for being foreign owned, yet clearly, the shareholders of Telstra are no more Australian, in comparison to the immigration folk, hitching a free ride to the detention centre.

In related news, Optus has also struck back further at Telstra’s high and rather stupid wholesale prices by increasing them at $2/month for those on 512k plans. Further to this move, Line Rental will start at $55 dollars and include unlimited local calls, however, International and Mobile Rates will differ.

The spark for the move is Telstra Wholesale’s excessive pricing, leaving Low Margin’s available to Optus. Of course, I think there might be more behind the scenes on top of the low margins. Think about this. Telstra have in recent months repeatedly attacked Optus for being Singapore owned, and repeated the boring “Sending your dollars to Singapore” speil (didn’t Telstra have jobs going in India?). As a result of those attacks, Optus is setting a example, and showing Telstra to be blatant liars, by demonstrating that the dollars being made from Telstra services are virtually nothing, and the only real value you have in Telstra Wholesale customers are the actual customer base, and not the revenue they bring, considering it’s nearly all Telstra’s anyway.

So, that’ll set another Telstra lie back to bed, and well, might cause Optus to drop some of its less profitable customer base, but that’s a good thing, because with high profit customers comes high profits, and with high profits comes funds for network expansion, and with network expansion comes growth, and with growth comes a kick in the teeth for Telstra.

Competition, you gotta love it.

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Optus no longer selling Telstra garbage!

In June 2007, Optus is expected to make a rather fantastic and interesting move.

They will dump the Telstra garbage they resell, in exchange for reselling solely from its own footprint which carries much higher margins.

There are good reasons for optus to stop selling the Third World Expensive Garbage that Telstra Wholesale describe as “Broadband”:

  • They don’t lose out on high support needs users, who they make 5% off
  • They make fatter margins, something like 30%, compared to that of Telstra Wholesale Garbage
  • They only have to support users they are actually making the support costs back from

As you can see, the decision would primarily be profit motivated, but I congratulate them on prompting such a bold change in the industry by stopping selling rubbish, they have to pass off as Broadband, to actually start selling broadband.

In somewhat significant related items:

Telstra have finally figured out how to identify who Joe Blow, and Joe Blow are, living at the same address. OMG, they are the same person. We’ve been sending out two bills a month for his phone and net. Let’s scrap that and… well, they now get a single bill. I wonder if the shareholders factored that into the reasons not to buy Telstra? Poor management of expenses. Previously each customer was just a number, or 3 to Telstra. Now they are just a number. They still don’t know who the customers are.

And, moving onto more exciting news, more competition is about to spread as Telstra investigates a $300 Million dollar link to the US. This link is believed to rid them of the expense of paying Southern Cross cables, and push their own profits further higher. Such a move has fantastic incentives for users, like reduced costs or higher quotas because ISPs will have choice, and in a market of choice, price is generally the winner, unless your incompetent, in which case, competence is the winner.

PIPE Networks also planned to build one into Guam, which is progressing and seems to have financial support behind it, leaving the east cost with Southern Cross Cables, PIPE Networks, Australia – Japan Cable (AJC), and Telstra’s Cable to the US as possible competing methods of getting those bits flying around the planet.

I would suspect more of these providers to be planning to implement a technology Simon Hackett (Internode MD) has been speaking of for so long, it’s nearly a Platinum Album now. That’s WDM. Wave Division Multiplex. The technology is understood to allow a single cable to carry many times the original capacity by using different Wavelengths, thus allowing multiple streams in one cable. Fantastic Idea, allowing Terabits of capacity down one single cable. This technology likely to also reduce the cost of broadband, as the cables are generally resold based on capacity, so if they dilute capacity by adding more, at minimal cost, you can only expect prices to come down.

On that note, 2007 is going to be a lot more interesting with all the broadband topics currently heating up. Cheaper broadband, faster speeds, or more value for money, so far seems like everyone’s a winner, except Telstra, who will still be crying at Christmas about it’s the latest LSS decision of $2.50.

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April Fools Day

April Fools Day. Some funny pranks:

Whirlpool: Mandatory ISP filtering will block P2P

This one didn’t get me. I was expecting it. Rather funny to see the shocking number of people that fell for it though.

Whirlpool: Aura adjusted.

This one DID get me. I recently have had my aura on Whirlpool on a steady rise from the deep area of “Pervasively Low”, to “Pervasively Normal”, to “Pervasively Low”, to “Pervasively Normal”, and today… “Pervasively Luminescent”. Now that was a shocker, I believed it, because I assumed my aura was rising yet again.

I immediately had a look over the forums to discover “The Pool Room”.. However.. It wasn’t in sight. Oh no! No Pool Room, but very high aura.

I started poking around, and discovered that it was an April Fools joke. Got me good, it did.

SuperTorrents: Advertising.

Not official yet, but I suspect the advertising idea is part of an April Fool’s gag, mainly because they can’t reasonably expect us to believe it costs them more than $5000 USD to host a server in Colocation in the US.

I get 1.2TB on a lowend server for $59USD, that alone tells me that they either use a LOT more than 1.2TB, are with a very expensive provider, or.. are full of.. brown matter.

I suspect the ads to disappear, however, I am appauled by this, it’s no real joke to be shoving enlarge ads in the face of younger children. That’s just not funny. Besides, April Fools jokes aren’t designed to be profit making exercises, and I suspect they do turn a profit from the donations on that site alone. As well as that, my personal 2c is the site is ran by kids, but that’s not really the point here.

The ads themselves are rather intrusive and they serve nothing more but profit raising.

If they go the way of demonoid, a userbase might still exist, but at 1kB/sec for uploads. They would eventually drop the need to sign up to download torrents just to hold on to some users, but the userbase will still dwindle, why?

User won’t upload much. Why would they? There’s no point if you are depending on the userbase to keep coming back to click ads / profit, you aren’t gonna tell them to go away with bans, you basically kiss the cash they bring in .. good bye.

There are better trackers available, such as BitMeTV. But there’s a few reasons to stick with SuperTorrents as well, so I do hope they remove the ads.

Other April Fools day issues:
It seems some kids like to set trashed houses on fire. A house just down the road from us is in a bad state, however, around lunch time today, firefighters were on the scene putting out a … well, minor spark.

Kids need a good kick up the rear, starting fires in houses, even if they are trashed, is a bad thing, the people in the apartment building next to it wouldn’t appreciate being smoked out. That’s no April Fools.

Entertainment value of .. well, you be the judge.

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Coles and Woolworths not selling Baby Panadol

Here’s an interesting point, Coles and Woolworths do not sell Panadol for babies, not very convienient.

The reason I understand it as being so, is because they could get sued if someone were to buy Panadol from there, and overdose or so forth. Notice they still sell Adult tablets, and the Large bottles (designed for Children over 2+).

Now, just thinking from the lawsuit avenue, what if I couldn’t get Panadol from anywhere else, and they didn’t have it?

Could I sue Coles / Woolworths for NOT having it?

What if someone purchased the large bottle, and gave the wrong dose (of the wrong medicine), could they sue because it was all that was available?

I find the move to not sell Panadol of the baby level a little.. stupid. They are more likely to get sued from the other two pointed out avenues, compared to someone buying it and giving out a overdose.

Also, there’s heaps of chemists around, so, one could theoretically buy from seperate chemists.

I just don’t see why they WOULD NOT sell it for fear of a law suit, there is a more likely lawsuit from those requiring it, or purchasing the wrong product, because the right product was not available – which will likely do more harm, compared to having the actual product available.

The chemists around my local area all close spot on at 5pm. Too bad if you needed some a little after, like we thought of today.

Luckily a Day / Night Chemist a short while over was open til 7pm.

Coles is generally open until 10pm most nights. Woolworths is open until 12am most nights, except weekends, 10pm. The extra hours mean a lot to someone chasing Baby Panadol during those hours after 5pm. It’s simply weird to be excluding all people, because of the very small likelihood of someone being stupid. Actually, if someone were to sue for selling it, I’d tell them to grow a brain, and use it. It’s not a retailers job to judge what people purchase, it’s actually the purchaser’s job to ensure they are buying and using the product for the purposes intended.

I suppose in a world that will sue over anything, not for reasons of “just compensation”, but “for the money”, you can only cover your ass so much, and even in doing so, you open up more holes for others to attack anyway. It’s a difficult area, and no – win, no – fee lawyers who sit up on coffee all day and night to find those loopholes are somewhat the problem.

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Quoting Jobs – theoretically

When a plumber quotes a job, he takes a look at the issue, can quickly identify what he will need to do, and get to work fixing the issue. The same applies to an electrician. The same applies to a carpenter.

The same doesn’t apply to a Web Designer, Web Developer, or a Programmer.

Here’s why. For a plumber, they simply have to ensure the pipes aren’t leaking, and are flowing straight. Simple really. An electrician, if he can get zapped by it, it works.

However, for a Programmer, or Web Designer, things are different. You get some vague idea off the client of what they want to happen. “I want a website” for example. That tells me a lot. Ok, you want a website, do you want annoying flash? Do you want a dynamic site, or a static site? Do you require images / multimedia to be produced? Do you require database design? Do you require maintenance?

All those factors come into play when you think, “I want a website”, for most jobs, it’s not as simple as opening word, putting a few bits of text together, and saying: Go to the Internetz. It’s a little more complex, if you do a quality job, and not a rush job, or a poorly coded job.

So, anyway, the quoting process isn’t straight forward, it requires us to think: How many times is this user going to say, no, I want this, no, I want that. Oh, I think I liked it before. As you can see, we could be going back and forth for years, changing aspects of a website, needlessly, until the client forms what they want. All those changes have to be paid for at some point of the chain, so prices are generally based on how well the client knows what they want. If they can sit there and demand specific things, and get them churned out quickly, you have a low cost client. Fantastic clients. If the client doesn’t really know what they want, or how things should work, you have a different issue, a more “Expensive client”. Such client’s require constant changes, constant maintenance, and as a result, need a higher cost for their website.

I think it’s a fair model, for the single reason that you get fair return on all those after quote changes that seem to popup with certain companies.

Some, you could swear by pulling out the original project requirements, and comparing those to a full print out of the email list, you would come to the conclusion they wanted two seperate sites rolled into one.

It’s not an easy process generating a quote for a new client, who might not know exactly what they want. You ask the right questions, you feel for the answers, and see how sure they are that they can specifically detail what they want to you.

With detail, you can significantly reduce the cost, and time, and contact, involved in development and testing.

So, if you ever want a website done, contact .. someone.. and obviously go to them with specific requirements. See if the price comes down compared to someone who might not know what they want.

It’s not an easy task pulling a number out of the back of your head that you might not like later on, or the client might not like right now. It’s certainly an interesting area to be quoting.

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Advertising blindness

Here’s something interesting.

If you see the same ad enough, so much so, that you see it regularly, do you notice it more or less?

You notice it, perhaps less or the same, depending on the ad, and you generally ignore it.

It’s called Ad blindness. And it affects many people. Those who see the same ad regularly are particularly affected, because they are not likely to inspect the ad deeper, and infact, more likely to simply ignore it exists.

Those of us who use the net frequently do tend to expect to find things in certain places, for example, navigation on the left or top, content in a clear section in the middle of the page (generally the larger section), and obviously ads on MOST sites on the right hand side. Take a look at the awful website at See my point?

Anyone remember the ‘fart’ button? Who were they trying to kid? I never clicked it. Seemed rather useless (and I knew it was an ad).. But did anyone ever discover the marketing behind it?

It was running for ages, so there’s obviously some people out there that have nothing better to do, clicking a ‘fart’ button..

That’s my point. Advertising blindness, those of us who are frequent surfers know the ads from the content, and can quickly skim the ads for the content, finding the information we require much sooner.

This obviously has a negative affect on the advertising industry, as more and more users become blind to ads, so the next trick is to try and make them interactive and entertaining, like, out drink, or out fight Paris Hilton for example.

If you develop, you’ll know a lot of programming is entirely based on interactions, or events, an event triggers something, everything that happens is triggered by something. Thus, bashing Paris Hilton multiple times might be entertaining, but sure enough, the company behind it wants you to buy a ring tone for example, and POP, up comes the popup as you win at the fight of Paris vs. Britney (example – tho, that might explain her sudden hair loss)…

I’m curious how many people actually do notice and pay attention to advertisements. Can’t seriously be many users out there ignoring ads on a whole, and of course kids will click anything, even if they are told.. NOT TO CLICK HERE.

Entertainment value for some I guess.

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Something interesting with programming

One thing I find amazing is how inconsistent some developers can be when developing on a project.

Take the open source project, Trixbox for example.

In one application installed with Trixbox, you can actually manipulate some users fantastically. In the same application, you try and manipulate any of the other users, and.. well, you can forget all about it, the functions for it weren’t written.

It’s quiet amazing also that a developer would think and innovate to write one function for one particular type of user, but neglect completely, the other sets of users.

Further, bad programming that annoys me is very poor documentation.

It’s either reinvite or canreinvite for example. You look at a sample file for a “sample”, and find something completely different elsewhere on the internet. Too bad if you didn’t have internet access.

You’d have to question the commercial value of any application developed by those style of “developers”. It’s lazy, and doesn’t really help users, or those who are to develop for that application any better.

If you take the time to write a function for one feature you offer, and it might make sense to write the exact feature for the other similar function, it’s simply a copy / paste a few keywords and structure changes, and you have … consistency!!

On another note, Labor’s plan for FTTN has made yet another very worthy point.

We send toooo many dollars overseas, for example, offshoring to India.
What’s wrong with unemployed ‘Mary’ down the road? I’m sure she can answer a phone? Give her a job, keep dollars in Australia.

Australia sends a LOT more $$’s overseas for IT, compared to what we export. It’s not good at all.

I think the jobs are better served by well trained Aussies who can fulfill the jobs, and help our economy further.

I really do think Labour has the ticket this election based on that plan, if we stop sending our $$’s overseas, we improve our own economy, and further, if the FTTN network allows the disadvantaged the ability to truly perform and create new import industries, like, onshoring calls from Indian call centres for example, it would eventually have paid for itself and cause greater economic growth.

We’d be a better nation if we didn’t offshore, or import as much “services” style work. We should be an exporter, start investing and creating advanced IT jobs, and stop Intel sending their billions of dollars to.. China, and instead, they can make use of skilled Australian’s..

I know Labor has a trademark with debt’s and obviously some bad management, but I think Conroy actually got a brain injected. FTTN is good, at least for a short-medium term, and after that, well, we’ll see what happens, it very well could turn into T2 (no, not the share offer), but either way, we get advanced broadband infrastructure, compared to what we have now, and that’s an obvious win on all fronts.

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