I last wrote about the front yard’s large wet hole, I’ve since proceeded further with that, and now we have the treated pine posts in.
4 posts, standing upright in concrete that set pretty quickly. I did that about two weeks ago.
Last weekend I got very little done, that’s because I spent some time putting together some temperature sensors I got and set about testing them out. I’m keen to determine the difference in how the house responds and the room temperature over time.
The sleepers and besser blocks have been cluttering the front yard for some time, I plan to reuse the besser blocks as mini planters for the kids – who will love to grow some small plants in them.
The sleepers are to be cut to size, and bolted to the posts in the ground, where we’ll then get some more treated pine (or perhaps a hybrid of some sort 🙂 ) and get that setup as our stairs.
Then, the front yard needs some color – so we’ll need to eventually look at some plants for that to tidy that up. Before or after the fencing tho..